Mon 4 Apr, 2005 06:53 pm
Hi there, I would like to know if there is an Algerian community living in Australia.
Thank you for answering me
Yes, I used to live nearby.
I'm not aware of any specific Algerian community anywhere in Australia, but I wouldn't be surprised.
Both Sydney and Melbourne have visitors and migrants from just about any country you can think of. I couldn't find anything listed in the phone book, and am not sure where else to look.
I've been searching online & there seem to be very few sites regarding Algerians in Australia. My hunch is that there may well be an Algerian community living in the Footscray area in Melbourne's west. But I may be wrong. I'll enquire further with friends in the migration field & see if I can come up with more.
Hello everyone thank you very much for your answers. I hope I can meet up with some of them :wink:
SCoates, where did u use to live ? Are you Algerian ?
Thanks everyone
No, I'm Armenian. I used to live in Armenia. I don't see how that relates, but thanks for asking.
It was really Albania. He exaggerates, sometimes.
Ah ok I thought u might be Algerian that's why I asked
Thanks, Olga - enjoying your holidays???
I'm only a quarter Algerian, so I think it's more accurate to say that I'm Armenian. (I also have a little Navajo blood, oddly enough.)
ah ok and do you live in Australia ?
Which part of Algeria are you half ?
No, not currently.
Which part? Do you mean which parent is half? Because actually each of my parents are also a quarter.
well both of them then :wink:
I was wrong about my hunch about the western suburbs of Melbourne. Asked my friend: certainly no sizeable Algerian community there.
OK, I'm stumped. Sorry.
Thank you msolga for researching for me its very nice of you :wink:
Scoates well tell me the quarter then of both parents lol
dd1 wrote:Thank you msolga for researching for me its very nice of you :wink:
A pleasure, dd1.
But it would have been more useful had I dug up something a bit more substantial, hey?
yeah..I would feel less lonely if I met people from the same background here but it's all good :wink:
Hello msolga,
I am actually in Sydney... :wink:
A fairly recent arrival, then, dd1?