Lash said
Quote:Begrudging the Pope prayers of love, appreciation and Solidarity.... startling.
You startle easily. Even startling at the absence of a thing. As I said, I have a lot of respect and affinity for this fellow. Who among us can say we've done one one hundreth as much as selflessly as this pope? One can point here and there (like to Poland or to "Hey, listen up...materialism is a trick") and say "well done" and mean it. At the same time, there are things about the fellow I really did not find agreeable (condoms, institutional self-preservation over justice). Differences of opinion - pretty common in human affairs.
Some of you seem to have taken my thread as some sort of insult to the prayerful, general and in the pope-specific. There may be some truth to this assumption. I confess I was zeroing in on the "for" in "pray for the Pope" because the concept clearly suggested by that preposition is 'in aid of' or for the 'proper destination to' - there's a clear sense of aim and intention even if we are speaking of 'communion' as george and others have (and which I understand). But then one gets to considering what aim one might have as regards the pope and god. I take it that everyone wishes him the best, as did I. But what is 'best' here? A quick painless exit? Check. A tip of the hat and a silent 'thankyou' (even if mixed with a 'no thankyou', in my case)? You bet. Perhaps the wish that whoever follows you will do more of the same (and less of the same). Yeah. And I would understand if it were simply a mutual recognition (a communion) of the tragic aspect of mortal existence...that all we love most will be taken away from us because we all die...and like Lear and god and jesus and the janitor's mother and everyone who has ever breathed self aware loving existence...that we don't want to leave or be left. It is the big ugly, for mortals. There is a reason that the English, for centuries, felt that the Shakespeare-composed end of Lear was imply too bleak for anyone to see or think about and so, for centuries, it was performed only with a happy ending. Of course, we don't know whether this is really the Big Sleep. Maybe it is just the Transitional Nap. Tough question. Guesswork all the way. Where my guessing leads me, personally, is somwhere which only a fool would label Atheism. But sometimes I am a fool, and I think that is what it really is. And when I'm not a fool, or a different sort of better fool, I think that whatever the hell is going on, I do exist and that doesn't seem to be my doing.
But back to the questions about purpose for praying for the pope. Perhaps one might pray that his church continue to be a force for good in the world. And I can check that one too. But that's not all it can be, or has been.
The church - the Christian church in its branching manifestations - can speak of mercy and forgiveness and turning the second cheek and the tragedy. And hope for a better day and for liberty (though liberty would have meant something very different to a Bethlehemite 2000 years ago). It can speak for tolerance and inclusion. It can give women equal status to participate in community decision-making (as the early church did, for a while). It can re-allocate wealth from those who can give to those who need. It can inspire (Sistine chapel ceiling).
Yet it can also say that the black man is designed by god to serve the white man. And it can say that witches are real and ought to be tortured and killed. And it can say that it's god is a better god than the other guys' god. And even that it has the exact measure of god's wishes but the church down the street has it so wrong as to be sinfull. It can say this all with confidence. It can exclude, it can maim and murder, it can lust for power and for the judge's chair - it can be the opposite of 'christian charity' and 'humility' and apparently not notice or not care.
So we need to be hard-headed about church stuff. The bad stuff can creep up on cat's paws. It has happened very often before and why - please remind me - do WE deserve special dispensation in the present?
How's this for a phenomenon of present bad stuff?
Quote:"You say you're supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense! I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist."
Pat Roberson, The 700 Club.
Or this?
Quote: "The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."
Pat Robertson, The Washington Post
And this?
Quote:"Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a biblical duty, we are called by God to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism."
Randall Terry (of recent
Shiavo activism) in the Indiana News Sentinel.
And that's why we ought not to give religious ideas or religious authority (or political authority if that wasn't clear) statements the stamp of "Approved by Heaven, Quality Control Division".
Where religious ideas, floating about in our community of ideas, sound like very bad ones, then they will get targeted. At least for a while longer.