Lightwizard wrote:Leaky is not the only authority on the subject. One has to start by actually reading "The Origin of the Species" which is quite clear that you haven't, Sofia, or you wouldn't have once again put down that tired old mantra that man evolved from ape.
I don't know that I'd recommend Darwin to a beginner, especially one looking to poke holes in evolution, simply because Darwinism has been surpassed many times over. Darwin had the right idea, descent with modification, but there are so many things that Darwin had no way of knowing, like genetics for example, that Darwin really isn't a good starting place anymore.
There are better books which are geared toward beginners and are very simplistic in their explanations. I recommend Tim Berra's
Evolution and the Myth of Creationism as a good starting place. Not only does it show the strength of evolution, but the utter lies and misrepresentations that creationists try to use.
For someone like Sofia, who has obviously never held a biology book and only listens to ICR, it should be an eye-opening experience, should she actually read the book.
Quote:That you assert we are buying evolution and with no better "penetrating research" than the Bible places you on a level I really don't feel is worth debating with. The notions you display are just quite simply incomprehensible. Once again, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
Only if that little knowledge doesn't become more knowledge through reading and research. It's more a matter of ignorance being a dangerous thing, and theists are grossly ignorant on a great many things, from science to their own belief systems.