CerealKiller wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:CerealKiller wrote:A humble confidence you have in something you can't prove to others.
If I could, I would prevail upon you to expand on this notion -- fleshing it out a bit, if you would.
My initial reaction was negative for two major reasons:
1) Very often "faith" is expressed in ways that are anything but "humble."
2) The fact that you cannot "prove" it to others is interesting, but for the most part (and I think always) the stuff that falls under faith...
...you cannot prove to yourself either.
No matter how you look at it, "faith" ends up being insistence (to one degree or another) that a guess about some unknown -- is correct.
Through prayer I seek true faith. Yes there are those who express their faith in anything but humble ways but I have to question whether this is true faith or a mask they wear to hide their insecurities.
Sounds to me as though you are saying that only people who conduct themselves like you are expressing "true faith."
Kinda weird. Isn't there something about avoiding "pride" in your religion.
Quote:I can't prove my faith to others intellectually, but I can prove my faith to myself and for myself spiritually through sincere prayer in quiet humble ways.
Prove it???
What do you suppose it is that you would have to "prove" it?
If you are guessing that there is a God-- and you express "faith" in that guess -- that is all there is to it.
A guy could guess that he can teach an elephant to pole vault -- and have "faith" in that guess. He does not have to train an elephant -- nor does he have to get the elephant to pole vault -- in order to establish that he has faith.
"Faith" is simply insisting that a guess is correct. No big deal at all.
Quote:I don't need to proclaim my way is the right way or my way is the only way to others, just that my way is the right Way for me.
I agree with you there, Bob. And I hope you don't think I am trying to make you wrong in this discussion. We are just discussing the nature of "faith" right now. Most people really do not look at what it actually is -- and use it almost as a throw away word.
Quote:My experience has been that in quiet times is when I've come to know the Lord.
Whatever! I would like to ask you this question, though:
Since you are saying that in quiet times you have come to know the Lord -- just how do you tell whether or not you are deluding yourself about this?
How do you know it is really "the Lord" and not just your imagination?