McGentrix wrote:
Horrible events happening around the world and we get yet another example of hate within our borders.
This happens and we get a fountain of tears from the people who every other day supports the like of Farrakhan who has expressed his hatred of Jews repeatedly. The same ones that support Hamas and the Arabs throughout the Middle East who want to wipe Israel of the map.
Yes, it's true that is not all Muslims, or all Arabs, or any other extreme you are going to jump to. Let's rid the world of all hatred instead of just doing the outrage of today.
It's not the gun's fault that some asshole decided to use it. Let's not start another thing about guns, we have enough of that.
More and more I think that these acts of terror are somehow caused as a part of some larger covert war that's going on. Obviously that's conspiracy theory, and I can't guarantee that every atrocity that happens was part of some such war effort, but it just seems like they could be and, for whatever reason no one feels the need to take responsibility for them.
In general, I think all acts of terror promote the cause of stronger central government. Liberty is an ideology of decentralized self-governance by responsible people. As long as liberty seems to be working, strengthening central government would be unnecessary/superfluous. However, the more liberty seems to be failing at achieving widespread peace, prosperity, and sustainability; the more impetus there is for increasing central governmental power.
This doesn't mean that everyone who seeks to increase top-down/central power is also in favor of provoking chaos and violence among free people. Many centralists may simply see it as being too difficult for people to self-govern in a modern world with so much complexity. On the other hand, however, there may also be people in the world who see opportunity in strengthening central governmental power and thus procure terrorism for that reason.
Still, how can we discern when an act of terror is part of a conspiracy to achieve political goals beyond the immediate atrocity, and when it is just an act of hate motivated by prejudices within the mind of a lone individual, and/or possibly in collaboration with others who are purely motivated by hate and not other, more calculated, political goals?