You and your 283 friends have supported 1,828,700.4 square feet!
Marine Wetlands habitat supported: 71,095.3 square feet.
You have supported: (35,750.7)
Your 283 friends have supported: (35,344.6)
American Prairie habitat supported: 33,938.9 square feet.
You have supported: (9,621.2)
Your 283 friends have supported: (24,317.7)
Rainforest habitat supported: 1,723,666.3 square feet.
You have supported: (159,786.7)
Your 283 friends have supported: (1,563,879.6)
1 Aktbird57 .. 1066 41.977 acres
1066 and all that
Mr. Cardinal is having a great morning in my Saskatoon berry swoop in the backyard. Shouting out to the neighbours - looking brilliant against the budding branches.