The Evil Acts of Euthanasia

Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 06:21 pm
Facts about Euthanasia

Hitler Targeted The Handicapped First
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Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 11:17 pm
Re: The Evil Acts of Euthanasia

Funny, I thought he targeted Jews first...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 11:19 pm
Take me now, Lord Jesus, take me, I would give my heart to Thee. Savior, while my heart is tender, I would give Thee every part. All my Talents I surrender; I am Thine, Lord here's my Heart.

Take me now, while my heart is tender...here is my heart?

Sounds like you'd be a staunch supporter of euthanasia...given the final destination you subscribe to and all.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 27 Mar, 2005 01:33 am
Re: The Evil Acts of Euthanasia
candidone1 wrote:

Funny, I thought he targeted Jews first...

You certainly are correct: in a top secret order dated September 1, 1939, Hitler personally authorized a program of killing the mentally and physically handicapped, beginning with the children.

In October of 1939 amid the turmoil of the outbreak of war Hitler ordered widespread "mercy killing" of the sick and disabled. Code named "Aktion T 4," the Nazi euthanasia program to eliminate "life unworthy of life" at first focused on newborns and very young children. Midwives and doctors were required to register children up to age three who showed symptoms of mental retardation, physical deformity, or other symptoms included on a questionnaire from the Reich Health Ministry."

"The Nazi euthanasia program quickly expanded to include older disabled children and adults. Hitler's decree of October, 1939, typed on his personal stationery and back dated to Sept. 1, enlarged 'the authority of certain physicians to be designated by name in such manner that persons who, according to human judgment, are incurable can, upon a most careful diagnosis of their condition of sickness, be accorded a mercy death.'"

As early as August 1939 the regime ordered all 'malformed' children in Germany to be registered. In the years that followed, around 5,000 such children were transferred to special 'children's departments' and murdered. Shortly after the start of World War Two, this programme of so-called 'euthanasia' - dubbed 'T4' - was extended to include adult patients in mental institutions. More than 70,000 patients in psychiatric hospitals were murdered, mostly in gas chambers set up in six special killing centres.

This programme was cancelled in August 1941, but such patients continued to be killed in great numbers through local, decentralised action. Moreover, soon after the start of the war special SS units murdered thousands of institutionalised patients in the occupied Polish territories, shooting them or killing them in mobile gas chambers.
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Mr Stillwater
Reply Sun 27 Mar, 2005 02:10 am
That is true. However, eugenics (the science of making races 'fitter') is an old and virulant disease. Even in 'freedom-loving' nations it was considered OK to actively assist 'inferior' types to an early grave or at least sterilization.

I think there is a deliberate attempt to link 'euthanasia' with out and out genocide here.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 27 Mar, 2005 02:20 am
Mr Stillwater wrote:

I think there is a deliberate attempt to link 'euthanasia' with out and out genocide here.

Might be - but that would prove some ... ehem ... ignorance.
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Mr Stillwater
Reply Sun 27 Mar, 2005 02:23 am
Got one word for you Walter.......

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Mr Stillwater
Reply Sun 27 Mar, 2005 02:32 am
The logic propounded by some 'ignorant' folks is that if you allow some people to die, either by their own hand or by the withdrawing of medical processes, you are opening the door to mass murder. In Australia one of the State govts made euthanasia legal for people in extreme situations (late-stage cancer or debilitating genetic diseases) - I heard and read what seem to be rational citizens saying that this would allow wholesale legal murder!!

People would be dragging out the elderly and having them killed to get at their assets! People with disabilities and/or mental problems would be quickly and quietly slaughtered!! For a nation that hadn't executed anyone since the late 1940's it seemed a little..... unlikely.

The conservative federal govt won and over-ruled that State. This of course is the SAME govt that managed to convince itself that the best Iraqi is a dead one and spent our tax-money on helping kill them. Idiots!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Mar, 2005 08:05 pm
Mr. Stillwater, "Are you saying that this is or isn't a new kind of Genocide?"
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Mar, 2005 09:46 pm
Hmmmm, I just rememebered a movie like this, but can't recall the name of it.
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Mr Stillwater
Reply Sun 27 Mar, 2005 11:00 pm
Letting the terminally ill decide to end their lives with some dignity is both ethical and compassionate. Genocide is where the members of a group, young and old and definitely not terminall ill are murdered. No comparison.

In fact you have managed to raise a number of issues that seem to be connected, but aren't.

1. Eugenics is a pseudo-science devoted to 'improving the race' by removing those unfit to continue it. As there is no provable parameters for what is a 'race' or what is 'better' it will remain the domain of wing-nuts.

2. Euthanasia is an process to recognise that human rights should include the ability to choose when it is right to end life.

3. Genocide is a criminal act against innocent victims.
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Mr Stillwater
Reply Sun 27 Mar, 2005 11:01 pm
ConstitutionalGirl wrote:
Hmmmm, I just rememebered a movie like this, but can't recall the name of it.

'Hotel Rwanda'??
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Mar, 2005 03:38 am
Mr Stillwater wrote:
ConstitutionalGirl wrote:
Hmmmm, I just rememebered a movie like this, but can't recall the name of it.

'Hotel Rwanda'??
No, no, too new, "What dose that movie have to do with Euthanasia?" I'm thinking 99 or 2000, American Movie. It was about the future, where Governments Mandated Euthanasia, at the begining of birth. They could tell with DNA what Fetus was healthy, not short, and pretty, were kept, and they aborted the ones that weren't instantly without parential consent. People who were unhealthy, short, or ugly, were they'er slaves. That young Actor who played in, "Good Will Hunting," played in it.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Mar, 2005 03:50 am
Did you know.......

that a majority of doctors want to be able to help patients end their lives

that a substantial majority of the British public support legalisation of euthanasia

that no nationwide poll has ever shown a majority against voluntary euthanasia

that this support is mirrored across the globe

that support for voluntary euthanasia is even stronger among the elderly

and the disabled

that a majority of Roman Catholics support the right to die

that support for v.e. is actually growing

With each passing year, more and more British people are coming to see the legalisation of voluntary euthanasia as rational and humane - an idea whose time has come.


As horrible as euthanasia is, have ya'll considered euthanasia via dehydration and starvation? It is not humane. It is a horrible and horrific way to die. The news media and the courts would have you believe that you just enter a "euphoric" state and die peacefully. Wrong! Real people that have gone through it, and people that have been with them, will tell you the truth.

Let me ask you this: If starvation and dehydration are so pleasant and "euphoric" then why don't we all just do it? Have you tried giving up food for, let's say, just 3 days? Was it pleasant? Tell me, tell us. But then, you probably had water if you tried this. Try it without food, water, or, liquid of any kind. Report back, okay? Tell us how wonderful and "euphoric" you find it.

Why is it okay to do this to a living, feeling and responsive woman, yet it is illegal to do the same to a dog or a cat.

There is so much mis-information, i.e., lies by the media it is shameful. Terri is NOT brain dead!!! Many doctors have testified to that. BUT, not the paid ones that Michael has hired. And by the way, they were all PRO right to die doctors. What's in it for them? What's in for Michael? Why does he want her cremated immediately? Once she's cremated, the evidence as to what really happened to her is gone, forever.

Folks, we're going down the tubes here. Government (read judicial) killing is now upon us. Does anyone remember Germany in the late 30's and 40's. Do your research and see how it happened - legally!

Please pray for Terri, and that God would protect, restore and heal her.

Who's next? YOU?

It is just hard for me to believe how many CHRISTIAN people I have talked to think what they are doing to her is ok! They have only watched the mainstream news, which I have not seen at all, and apparently, they have not told half of it! But what drives me crazy is the ones who will say, "Well, I wouldn't want to live if I were in that shape!" This just blows my mind for a Christian to say that is an ok reason to let someone die, no matter by what method!! We are God's! We belong to HIM, and NOBODY, not even ourselves, has the right to decide when we die!! Sorry, but this whole thing has just made me so mad, I can't talk about it halfway right!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Mar, 2005 03:52 am
candidone1 wrote:
Take me now, Lord Jesus, take me, I would give my heart to Thee. Savior, while my heart is tender, I would give Thee every part. All my Talents I surrender; I am Thine, Lord here's my Heart.

Take me now, while my heart is tender...here is my heart?

Sounds like you'd be a staunch supporter of euthanasia...given the final destination you subscribe to and all.
"Now that's Ignorant!" LOL
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Mar, 2005 04:12 am
ConstitutionalGirl wrote:
Did you know.......

that a majority of doctors want to be able to help patients end their lives

that a substantial majority of the British public support legalisation of euthanasia

that no nationwide poll has ever shown a majority against voluntary euthanasia

that this support is mirrored across the globe

that support for voluntary euthanasia is even stronger among the elderly

and the disabled

that a majority of Roman Catholics support the right to die

that support for v.e. is actually growing

With each passing year, more and more British people are coming to see the legalisation of voluntary euthanasia as rational and humane - an idea whose time has come.


As horrible as euthanasia is, have ya'll considered euthanasia via dehydration and starvation? It is not humane. It is a horrible and horrific way to die. The news media and the courts would have you believe that you just enter a "euphoric" state and die peacefully. Wrong! Real people that have gone through it, and people that have been with them, will tell you the truth.

Let me ask you this: If starvation and dehydration are so pleasant and "euphoric" then why don't we all just do it? Have you tried giving up food for, let's say, just 3 days? Was it pleasant? Tell me, tell us. But then, you probably had water if you tried this. Try it without food, water, or, liquid of any kind. Report back, okay? Tell us how wonderful and "euphoric" you find it.

Why is it okay to do this to a living, feeling and responsive woman, yet it is illegal to do the same to a dog or a cat.

There is so much mis-information, i.e., lies by the media it is shameful. Terri is NOT brain dead!!! Many doctors have testified to that. BUT, not the paid ones that Michael has hired. And by the way, they were all PRO right to die doctors. What's in it for them? What's in for Michael? Why does he want her cremated immediately? Once she's cremated, the evidence as to what really happened to her is gone, forever.

Folks, we're going down the tubes here. Government (read judicial) killing is now upon us. Does anyone remember Germany in the late 30's and 40's. Do your research and see how it happened - legally!

Please pray for Terri, and that God would protect, restore and heal her.

Who's next? YOU?

It is just hard for me to believe how many CHRISTIAN people I have talked to think what they are doing to her is ok! They have only watched the mainstream news, which I have not seen at all, and apparently, they have not told half of it! But what drives me crazy is the ones who will say, "Well, I wouldn't want to live if I were in that shape!" This just blows my mind for a Christian to say that is an ok reason to let someone die, no matter by what method!! We are God's! We belong to HIM, and NOBODY, not even ourselves, has the right to decide when we die!! Sorry, but this whole thing has just made me so mad, I can't talk about it halfway right!

Why didn't you just post this in the first place?

How do you know she's "living, feeling and responsive?" I have heard she is, I've hear she isn't. I've heard the doctors in charge of her care say she isn't, I've heard people who have nothing to do with her care say she is. I am therefore ignorant.

Which doctors have testified that Terri is not "brain dead"? I keep reading that people who have been involved with her over the past 15 years say that she has no brain function above the limbic system.

The government already kills people. Nothing new there. I think you're pretty safe though unless you are convicted for murder or you volunteer for the military.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 28 Mar, 2005 06:22 am
Obviously you are not going to discuss your entrance topic.

Out here.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Mar, 2005 09:35 am
The movie you are probably referring to is Soylent Green, not sure of spelling. Let me say that your apparent attempt to link it to allowing the terminally ill to request the mercy of euthanasia is a best foolish. To allow people to make that choice is an act of common decency and mercy. That is something most religions sorely lack.
0 Replies
Mr Stillwater
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2005 03:44 am
The movie is 'Gattaca' starring Ethan Hawke, but you could have discovered that in 0.09 seconds on Google.

For those not in the know - it refers to a premise that the genetically 'inferior' will be outcasts from a society of genetic 'perfects' and doomed to a lower caste existence in the future. Yet again, what the hell 'perfect' constitutes is dubious, and as the ideas are coming from Hollywood they would be somewhat ludicrous; 'On the cover of seven fan-mags' - 'At least one Oscar for a supporting role' - 'Married to three leading ladies' - 'On Jack Nicholsen's rolodex'.
0 Replies
Mr Stillwater
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2005 03:48 am
'GTCA' are the proteins that are used to assemble the codons for DNA/RNA - clever, huh?
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