5 more days till we get the keys to the new kingdom. I'm very excited! Among the many remaining dilemmas is; how do I be at 2 places at once? As coincidence will have it; 100% of my front of the house staff is female. (Yes, I've hired several men, but they didn't work out for one reason or another). I'm not really all that comfortable with summer crowds without a Male presence (preferably a pr!ck like me), in the front of the house. The girls are all well aware that the police would be there, in under a minute in all likelihood, but that's generally overkill for any situation that may come up. They are also aware that the Men in the kitchen could be summoned in the case of an idiot-> who didn't leave when asked, but I'm not too sure my cooks would be very politically correct in such a situation, if you know what I mean.
The obvious answer is to hire a manager, right? Well, no, I already have... and the most qualified person was promoted from within... and she's not the intimidation factor I'm looking for. So I think some more, and then some more, trying to find a solution that's both fair to her and not a monetary waste that would be the equivalent to a "bouncer" in an environment that clearly doesn't require one.
Then, the other night while I was home working (or babbling on A2K or something), the very situation that I'm concerned about presents itself. No biggie because I live in a flat 2 doors down and can be there in 30 seconds when needed... but that's not always going to be the case. So this is what happened anyway:
"Idiot" comes in and sits at the bar. My manager/bartender recognizes him as an overbearing annoyance that's been coming more and more often. This time; he crosses the line and tells her a pseudo-dirty joke, after she declined his offer to do so. No biggie she figures, since there's no one else at the bar at the time anyway, and it wasn't that dirty of a joke. Next, he asks her for my one of my hostess's names. She declines to give it to him and explains that our hostess's are only 16 (good answer!, even though the Indian beauty he's referring to is actually 18). Next, he takes it upon himself to walk over, introduce himself and begin telling his stupid joke to a couple of the kids

(It's go-time).
Next, my manager/bartender, casually walks over and says something to the effect "I'm the manager here and I assure you; you don't want to talk to the owner. Now apologize to the kids and leave immediately". He did, and he did! I got a call from her a half an hour or so later and in a just-so-you're-aware-of-it kind of tone, she tells me she had to ask one of our guests to leave for misbehaving. She's got his business card, and gave him one of mine and reports he says he'll be calling me to apologize tomorrow.
So, I now know that I did indeed hire the right person to manage in my stead (I'm very proud of her, and told her as much, she shrugged it off as no biggie :smile:). Anyway, I now know she can handle problems in my absence, but, still, what would she do about the idiot that doesn't cooperate? Keep in mind, this is mostly my paranoia talking since in the last year I've had scarce few confrontations and never had to get even nose to nose with an idiot to get him out. (Close a couple times, though, and I always prefer to err on the side of caution where women are concerned).
So (sorry I'm rambling so much), I think I've come up with the answer. If it's security I'm concerned about; why not install security? I'm picturing my manager, using the same casual tone and stating; "You've been recorded there, there, there and there" while pointing out the various security cameras. "The video feeds are transferred over the internet and recorded on the owner's computer. If you don't want trouble; I suggest you leave immediately." What do you think?
Security cameras are something I've been contemplating since we opened. While I believe I have an honest staff, a little deterrent couldn't hurt, right? Then I'm thinking; while I'm at it; why not truly install the eye in the sky and be here all the time. I know the feeling of being trusted is as important to an employee as trust itself. But I can sell it as a necessary night-time security system (there has been a series of tavern robberies unsolved around here recently) and further explain that with the breaks I'll get on my insurance for being thorough, the savings will pay for the system.
So now I'm wondering if I'm going overboard. I found a 16 Camera Package: "Board System 8" on
this page, that I believe I could plug into my existing Restaurant Server (Perhaps with a major Ram upgrade?). This system could be configured to show virtually every nick and cranny of the facility... and frankly, grant me better supervision than my a$$ on a bar stool or wandering around does. 16 channel DVRs (Digital Video Recorder) are pretty pricey, but I'm thinking might be justified by the benefits...Examples: There's the customer that sent me a complaint, yep. There he was sitting there for 10 minutes without dressing for his salad, yep. And there's my server on her Cell Phone out back, yep.... Were I to hire a thief behind my bar (damn near inevitable in the long hall), I could retrieve her every action for a week and compare the timestamps on her orders to what she actually made or soldÂ… In the event I hire kitchen staff that wants to leave with product (also nearly inevitable); the inventory anomaly would point me to locating the thief on film in a matter of hours. In the event the Tavern-robbers did hit my place; I'd have a wealth of video to turn over to the law (their MO is to hide in the establishment at closing time apparently, because there's been no signs of "break in".) My motion detectors would trip the alarm anyway, but I'd like to help get them off the street since some of the smaller places can't afford the security.
So, is the 16 Cam set up excessive and a reflection of my paranoia? Or do the benefits easily outweigh the expense and presumed employee discomfort in feelings of invasiveness? What do you guys think? (Maybe I should post this in electronics and get some feedback on the tech stuff as well)
Anyway, I hope you're all well, and that I haven't bored you out of your skulls.