>sigh< boy dont I know that feeling..
This is what I did, it may help you.
One thing I realized about MR Wolf is that he doesnt notice all the unspoken things that go on ALL THE TIME.
IE; food prep, bed time being exactly the same everyday, small bits in routine, that the baby dishes are ALWAYS clean, bottles being made on time..e tc.
So, I made a list of my day.
I started with the obvious.. Getting bean up...
and ended with 'taking the towel off her changing table'.
I included every little thing and WHY it was important.
What the pros and cons were of each step. not being nitpicky.. just explaining how i came to the conclusion that these things work and why they still work.
Bean goes to bed at 830 every night. WHY? So she can sleep until 7am so that he gets time to see her in the morning before he goes to work.
I start her night time routine at 730. WHY? because I have to do steps 1 2 3 and 4.. to get her to bed at 830 so that you can have blah blah blah...
Something like this might help you. Explain to mr lets have fun, that doing things like that is great! So you have to prepare the morning schedule to accomidate this. Then tell him something like..
Try getting everything ready FIRST, lunch, backpack, breakfast, teeth brushing etc. Tell Little jb that if she gets everything done quickly, she can dance with me before she leaves. So lets hurry.
I dont think he understands the 'big deal' because he may not be the one getting her ready every morning.? I bet a thousand dollars, you just jump in to do everything with out asking for help? It is automatic for you isnt it?
Try stopping and making HIM do it?
or... lock him up in the closet.