Tue 22 Mar, 2005 04:08 pm
My boss sent out an email inviting my group as well as another group to a farewell party in honor of two co-workers and me who are leaving the company. A nice gesture perhaps, but he failed to ask the honorees if this was a good time for us. Well for two of us it is not. That is o-k because quite honestly I would prefer not to attend.
Scared me, Linkat. I thought you were leaving us!
Does the boss's obvious lack of planning and interpersonal skills have
anything to do with your departure?
Well, you're leaving anyway, right? Just don't go. Tell your friends ahead of time, but not the boss!
oops - was it on work time? or time when you are no longer there?
are you going to end up okwith employment?
hmm... I would bet so george.. ;-)
It is sort of wierd isnt it Link... to be invited to your own going away party?
Isnt that like recieving an invite to your SURPRISE birthday party?
A little strange I think.. funny none the less!!
Yes. His interpersonal skills s*ck if you could not tell.
hmm good idea given.
Tell everyone but your boss.
I mean, not going to a so called company party isnt going to be against your work record is it?!
If not, then give him a taste of his own medicine.
Even better... as he is walking to the get together, tell him just before he enters the door. And make sure you tell him in a really half assed way so that he has to think about your words for a few minutes before he realizes, your not coming.
Oh - I'm not planning on going. I have relatives from out of state coming to visit beginning the day after this "party". I think I have just a few things to prepare.
Maybe I will show up, if I leave work an hour early and have a drink with myself. I do plan on sending an email thanking everyone, but with regrets as I can not possibly go.
Not worried, husker, as this is after hours.
At any rate, I agree with shewolf, it quite amusing.
George wrote:Scared me, Linkat. I thought you were leaving us!
that's happening a lot for some reason.
Nope. Change of employment.
linkat wrote:My boss sent out an email inviting my group as well as another group to a farewell party in honor of two co-workers and me who are leaving the company. A nice jester perhaps, but he failed to ask the honorees if this was a good time for us...
Your boss is a jester, Linkat? How cool is that! In today's society, with all the rigid structure in the office, it's refreshing to see one's boss put on some curled shoes with bells on the toes and one of those multi-colored floppy hats. I bet your office rocks!
Actually he does not realize he is a jester (but thanks for pointing out my obvious spelling error), but everyone else knows he is.
Probably just a Freudian Slip on your part.
Or perhaps a Jesterian Stumble. Is there such a thing?
Gus, you should be the hired entertainment for Link's going away party.
Take out your Superman under-roos and get to work. ;-)
Linkat, despite your boss being a world class idiot, you may want to think about whether your co-workers would enjoy wishing you well at a gathering. Forget your boss and think of yourself and your co-workers.
I've always found it wise to not burn your bridges behind you no matter how pissed you may be. You made need to cross them some day.
I received another email, it was changed. Apparently if was not convenient for any of the honorees. I will attend, but only for an hour.
I agree BBB – I would never burn my bridges and apparently it has worked for me as an old boss is working at my new place of employment and she had lots of wonderful things to say about me. The reason I will not be attending too long is that I have family obligations and it can be difficult to make other arrangements in a matter of 7 hours.
I also am leaving on such a good note that the HR director stated that I am a class act and noted the many things that I have be involved in and lead the company in. I even have neglected to state what an idiot my boss is to others within the company. Although it is true, it really only would make me appear bitter.
Funny to read this years later as said boss was fired ... apparently this married boss with three children decided to have an affair with someone who reported to him and in addition began promoting her. According to former co workers of mine it was obvious she was undeserving of the promotions at least as far as her work knowledge and abilities.
At some point it was discovered more than likely as he was never the brightest bulb and asked to leave or be fired.
Sometimes karma is a b*tch.