It's your Dime

cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 05:53 pm
It's just that you can't smell my fart in your face.
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Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 05:59 pm
eeeewww. Old man smell. Confused
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 06:44 pm
That's one thing you got right!
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Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 06:58 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Dookiestix wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
Dookiestix wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
It would also create an unstable economy and would drive prices for everything through the roof as shipping prices skyrocketed.

Perhaps what we need instead are doctors who aren't quite as qualified as they should be. Perhaps require less education and training. That way they wouldn't charge as much and people would be able to afford healthcare. It wouldn't be great healthcare, but who really cares, right? As long as it's free I mean.

An obvious stab at socialized medicine in Canada. Then, according to you McGentrix, most Canadian doctors are less educated, less trained, and don't offer good healthcare? And that nobody cares?

My, you know so much. Tell us more...

Wow! That even took me by surprise! I was talking about Canada? I'd like to know how you deduced that since I didn't even know I was writing about Canada.

Socialized medicine is what you eluded to, Canada was my example. Having trouble reading today?

If you weren't referring to socialized medicine, then what were you referring to, McGentrix?

I was referring to getting what you pay for. If all we want is cheap medical care, that's what we'll get. Today we get the best and the brightest because it's a lucrative field. It's still prestigious to be a doctor in America.

Look at all the things the government has regulated and weigh the results. Do you really want them meddling with healthcare?

Excuse me? And the government is doing WHAT regaring Terri Shiavo?

And I'm STILL not sure what planet you're from, but many of us in THIS country are paying and arm and a leg for sub-par health coverage these days, as more and more companies are passing on the costs to the consumer, and as pharmaceutical companies continue to gouge the American consumer.

And as you've already described the neoconservative's take on socialized medicine, it becomes blatantly obvious that our neighbors up North are experiencing American corporate patriotism in the guise of social demonization. And, at the expense of so many in this country who cannot afford medication unless they take a trip up North.

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Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 07:07 pm
About a month ago - I was in a pulmonologist office - and having a casual conversation I asked if health care could be reformed or if where to even start and it was his opinion that he need a major melt down of the entire system.
In this state the insurance industry is causing Doctors to retire early or leave the state to practice else-where - were are almost at a OBGYN crisis.
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Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 07:21 pm
And why do you think they need that insurance, husker?
Gotta tell ya, the propensity of Americans to jump to lawsuits is quite startling.
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Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 07:23 pm
How have I missed this thread until now....? I'll try to catch up.
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Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 07:30 pm
Well I'll tell ya - I pay over $9,000usd for health insurance - our company also just changed to a managed care provider and it sucks so bad, we're about ready to go out of network so we can go back to our old doctors of 20 years.
I gotta have the insurance since I need it for catastrophic events like July and November total bill over $80,000 or more.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 07:30 pm
Veterans stand in line behind felons, illegal aliens for health care


To the Editor:
As the Commander of the Iowa American Legion, I feel it is extremely important to bring to light a few issues on veterans' health care. Here's a side you may have never considered:
While 300,000 veterans are waiting to get into veterans' hospitals, the state of North Carolina spent $32 million on illegal alien health care in 2002. What a help that could have been to our veterans today, and the ones in our NEAR future.
While criminals fill our jails and prisons, they receive immediate health care at the taxpayers' expense. A recent address by an Iowa county sheriff stated that prisoners had better care than he or his family.

A recent publication of The American Legion revealed that the Mexican government is issuing registration cards to undocumented (illegal) aliens. Some have already been here 15 years. This card is accepted by 66 banks, 801 police departments, 80 cities, and 14 states, allowing them to have bank accounts, driver's licenses and board airplanes. Mobile units are set up in malls and churches. In two years, 1.7 million such cards have been issued, which I suspect closely resemble a legal green card. The U.S. Government has no control over this.
No court seems to want to come out of the closet and say "take 'under God' out of the pledge of allegiance and preamble or take a stand about making flag desecration legal."
While we stand today in support of the brave men and women, remember that actions speak louder than words-make your representatives, congress and senators aware that the promise made to those who fought to defend our country in the past, and ones fighting to protect our freedoms now, need more than someone waving the flag in support-they need to make something happen, like get a veteran in for health care who has been on the waiting list for two years.
Sincerely, David Klingensmith, Commander, Department of Iowa American Legion
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Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 07:37 pm
So prisoners should receive sub-par or no health care? That doesn't seem like a liberal attitude to me.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 07:48 pm
McG, Your ability to skirt the "real" issues is amazing even to me. It's about our vets getting sub-par health care for their service to our country. THAT'S THE ISSUE!
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Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 09:16 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
McG, Your ability to skirt the "real" issues is amazing even to me. It's about our vets getting sub-par health care for their service to our country. THAT'S THE ISSUE!

Here's what you said about spending on the military before:

The solution is to have universal health care for all of our citizens. A healthy citizenry helps everybody. Our government has not been able to set the right priorities for our tax money. We're spending four to five billion in Iraq every month, yet we can't afford to improve funding for our schools or medical care for our citizens. It's quite obvious to me!

Which you just complaining about the amount of money being spent in Iraq and then you say you are worried about the troops? Make up your mind will yeah! I would rather my fellow soldiers at arms have what they need to get their job done and survive then have to worry about not having the materials to accomplish the mission then worrying about having proper heath care when they get home.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 09:46 pm
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Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 10:04 pm
The point you missed is that you complained about the money being spent in Iraq. The majority of that money is being spent on the troops.

Plus could you provide some links to the treatment of vets in the US? I haven't heard anything about poor treatment after they return.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 10:51 pm
Baldimo, It's obvious you didn't do your homework very well. When this administration requested money for Iraq, they did not break it down on how it will be spent. You probably do not realize how much money our military wastes. You probably also missed that exchange between that sargent and Rummy where Rummy said "you fight the war with what you have, and not what you wish you had." So our military guys have been fighting this war ill equipped which resulted in many deaths and wounded/maimed.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 10:56 pm
U.S. Military SpendingThe United States, being the most formidable military power, it is worth looking at their spending.

The U.S. military budget request for Fiscal Year 2005 is $420.7 billion

For Fiscal Year 2004 it was $399.1 billion.
For Fiscal Year 2003 it was $396.1 billion.
For Fiscal Year 2002 it was $343.2 billion.
For Fiscal Year 2001 it was $305 billion. And Congress had increased that budget request to $310 billion.
This was up from approximately $288.8 billion, in 2000.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 10:59 pm
From a web site:

Military Spending
The U.S. military is the strongest in the world, by far, and will remain so. But Democrats cannot lead the nation without being strong enough to confront the bloat and waste in the Pentagon budget.

Our military budget is almost as big as that of all other countries combined. While we have unchallenged superiority in military strength, we also have more people without health care than any other advanced industrial country -- and Democrats must be bold enough to say the two issues are linked.
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Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2005 12:15 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
Baldimo, It's obvious you didn't do your homework very well. When this administration requested money for Iraq, they did not break it down on how it will be spent.

Could it be because they didn't know how they were going to spend it all the way? Would you like to have a fully itemized bill for how the money was spent? I don't think it would happen, the govt can't ever provide a fully itemized bill for anything. It would be nice though wouldn't? Maybe I could find out why my Chinooks can't get new engines.

You probably do not realize how much money our military wastes.

Being in the military I have a pretty good idea.

You probably also missed that exchange between that sargent and Rummy where Rummy said "you fight the war with what you have, and not what you wish you had."

What is wrong with that statement? Do you think the people in WWII had everything they needed? Did they complete their missions? Did you also know that armor of any type wasn't available until this war? We had flack jackets but not bullet proof vests. Do you think the guys in Vietnam failed to complete their missions due to lack of vests? In the military you have a mission to complete and you do everything you can to complete that mission. If you don't bad things happen to the people who depend on you. If supplies are not delivered then troops on the ground are killed because you can't fight without ammo.

So our military guys have been fighting this war ill equipped which resulted in many deaths and wounded/maimed.

What you haven't been told by the liberal media is that the armor kits were on back order and the company tasked with making them had issues keeping up with requests. I have a friend who is also in my unit who also works as a civilian contractor for a company who actually put on the armor kits for the 3rd ACR before they left in the last month and half. The armor kits are crap and won't work. The vehicles they are putting these kits on were not designed to work with that much weight and are going to be worse for the troops then you think they are. The HMMWV is now over weight and has about 1/2 the mobility that it should. The worse part of the armor kits is the fact that they won't do much to stop an IED that is going to blow up through the bottom of the HMMWV. The armor only protects the sides not the bottom. This is going to be an issue soon enough, when the 3rd ACR starts reporting back on how well they work.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2005 12:17 am
You ever hear of a budget? Probably not.
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Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2005 12:44 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
You ever hear of a budget? Probably not.

Sure I've heard of a budget, but you can't expect the troops to operate on lack of funding now can you? As I noted, you complained about the cost of the war but then complained about the troops not being fully equiped. Then you complained about the lack of facilities or treatment of the vets and that they weren't getting the right amount care and funding for said care.

I really need to know which you prefer? You want a budget, but aren't willing to have cuts in places which could provide the best chance of lowering what the govt spends. You want have your cake and eat it to!
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