rayban1 wrote:In reading all the well written responses thus far it appears that the utopian model of Marx is being rejected in favor of a kinder, gentler form that has evolved in the UK, Sweden, France and other countries. This means Socialism has been forced to give up some of it's ideals in order to accomodate desireable features of capitalism. Am I correct thus far? I apologize for asking a generalized question but I believe at this point it would be useful to establish whether or not the Utopian model has been abandoned completely or whether it has been recognized that a new strategy must be adopted.
You continue to reffer to socialism as a uniform movement, with a single set of goals. Countless political doctrines have identified themselves as socialist troughout history, and each has tried to narrow the definition so as to proclaim "we are the genuine socialists". A multitude of philosophies have thus been branded socialist.
Generally any action which seeks to ensure a minimum of services for all members of society, or which seeks to decrease the differences in welth between rich and poor is likely to be labled socialist. Thus any political movement which includes in it's agenda at least one such mechanism is at risc of being labeled socialist. But due to the wide general definition this includes almost everyone, heck even libertarians have been known to suport some measure of a safetynet.
Socialism is thus a wide label spanning multiple political movements pursuing vastly different agendas. Many of these movements seek to narrow the definition of socialism to just themselves, and many outside of such movements have bought innto one of the narrower definitions. Any attempt to discuss the merits of one such movement using the lable contents thus invariably sparks the neverending battle over the lable itself, blocking any reasonable discussion of actual politics.
SUMMARY: Lots of movements call themselves socialists, though there is hardly anything they all have in common. These movements pursue different strategies to different ends as they have troughout history.
If we narrow this down to basic tenents, and we might get somewhere.