Holy ****.
You HAVE to be kidding me?????
THAT woman brought a SICK child DELIBERATLY to a class with OTHER kids?
jesus christ, some parents shouldnt BE allowed out of thier homes.
It is amazing how selfish and irresponsible people can be.
Whinning because they have to be in a house with thier child while they are sick? What the hell?!
My aunt did this to me a few months ago. She lives in NM and was coming to TX to stay with my other aunt.. she stopped in at my house when she got in TX for a few minutes to sayhi. She held bean and played with her and then left.
2 days later, bean had 103. fever and a RED RED throat. STREP.. poor baby. :-(
So after her doc appointment and a really hard afternoon of a crying angry baby, I called my mom.
My aunt had been staying at her house before she elft for TX. I told my mom that bean had strep.. she didnt say anything for a minute or so. Then I asked her what was wrong.
She said , just like this... " Melanie stopped to see you didnt she?" , I said yeah.. why? " Melanie was coming down with strep before she left for TX"
Ohhhh i hit the ROOF. How DARE she.
How can people be this DAMN dumb?