all of history is looked at from teh future. draw a line in time dividing all past from all future and you are on that line. select a segment of time with teh same device and you dont have a subjective perception but you have a definitive certain one which is the same, consistant, and its not irrelecvant but a constant so you don't need to worry about it in other words not a problem or irrelevant. unless you went so far into the future your memory faded, so its closer to look at it from closer to when the event in time or space of time occured.
Psh, yeah, pretty much everyone has those thoughts once in a while.
Like, I used to think that everyone else was just in my imagination, blah blah blah... it's normal. Once, someone told me: "All little children go through that. It's called egotism."
I mean, we're the only ones that we know for sure are real, right? So it's only normal that we'd question the existence of others. [At least, it's normal for me, 'cause I question everything. I mean, I don't even know for a fact that I exist. But... yeah...]
As for stopping yourself from becoming a selfish monster... well... just give the rest of us the benefit of the doubt, kay?
edit: Wow, I definitely didn't notice that this thread was more than one page. Lalalaaaa ignore me.
I can't see what you mean.I'm sure you know what you mean but it is beyond me.
History is looked at from now.It is a very imperfect look.What we see of it is not and cannot be what it was.We can only play around with it.
so what is your point? thats obvious. you can't see now perfectly either. its just a matter of how much facts you have.
What seems to be the difficulty,a common one,is that a philosophical approach is being confused with an ordinary approach.
One wastes one time in,say,pubs, using a philosophical approach but we are on a philosophy thread.
IK-My point was that I couldn't see this point in the future from which to look and I was seeking some clue how to do it.
spendius wrote:
IK-My point was that I couldn't see this point in the future from which to look and I was seeking some clue how to do it.
you can never look at soethign from the future you can only actively look at something from the now. however now is hte future only relative to the past. everythign that has happened is in the past.
The "Become" and the "Becoming" as Spengler has it.
Have you read Spengler?
no you'd need to explain it
Oswald Spengler-The Decline Of The West.He starts way,way further on than we are here and goes on at some length about anything and everything.Very influential book.A must read.He would probably say,if he were still here,that these threads are a symptom of the end times.But one should read his critics too.
Basically, he thought it high time that Western man, worked on making MIGHT totally right, or he would loose the lot!
Poseur wrote:Once, someone told me: "All little children go through that. It's called egotism."

He he, thats funny. I will choose not to take it as an insult.
The Pentacle Queen wrote:Poseur wrote:Once, someone told me: "All little children go through that. It's called egotism."

He he, thats funny. I will choose not to take it as an insult.
Haha, that's pretty much the same reaction I had. :]
Is spendius ever around anymore??
I hope he hasnt died....
Hiya Queenie-
Are you wearing dark sunglasses or what?
May I be of service?
he he. Actually I have some new sunglasses, they're very nice.
No, I just wondered where you were, because i haven't seen any of your posts recently.
That's understandable seeing as I have only done 100 posts since Sept 18.
I thought you had been carried off on a private yacht by an aging Lothario.
ha ha.
no such luck im afraid. Although im not so sure about the 'ageing'
What I mean is you havent been posting on the threads that I post on.
How are you?
I don't care for the Insult game.The insults are too tame and forced.
And Lactose Intolerance is not really an ideal topic on which to exercise one's wits.
And it's bad enough having a dog never mind one with fleas.If I was invited in for "one last drink" by a lady who had a dog with fleas I rather imagine I would gracefully decline.