Quote:Which part was a lie? I ask, because Ryan has not quibbled with the numbers the president stated - at all.
Nonsense. You obviously have not even bothered to listen to his reaction.
He all but called Obama the liar he is.
Do you realize that the Ryan budget reflects spending that is higher than current for Medicare and Social Security? As is so typical of Democrats, anything that doesn't match the proposed spending of the Left is a "cut."
Quote:Obama's level of spending, and budgets, have risen no faster than Bush's did. And that's a fact. You have a lot of invective and hate for Obama but you're pretty damn light on factual information.
How is this for a fact: Obama has increased the deficit in three years more than Bush did in eight.
I have to laugh at your line of argument.
Bush was the worst of our presidents and everything he did was horrible, but somehow Obama's actions are justified if they can be considered roughly equal to those of Bush in terms of results.
Finn wrote:Liberals who bemoan imperial presidencies have one of their own making.
No retort for this one? All hail the left-wing dictator?
No doubt you're a Friedman fan who joins him in admiring China for getting things done without the messy impediment of democracy.
Quote:You're indistinguishable from idiots on FreeRepublic or HotAir these days, Finn. Do you know who has you pegged?
Andrew Sullivan.
Andrew Sullivan who is obsessed with the down syndrome child of Sarah Palin?
I don't need to compare you to anyone to realize your idiocy Cy.
Quote:The best part about this conversation is that you know in your heart that Obama's going to beat Romney here in a few months. And the most likely outcome of this is a much larger, prolonged shift to liberalism amongst Americans.
There you go again telling me what I know. You don't even appreciate the utter arrogance of this habit of yours.
Care to place a wager on the November election? Third time may yet be the charm for you.
There are actually folks on the right who hope Obama wins because they are convinced that he will snuff out liberalism in America for a very long time. I agree with their prediction but am not willing to suffer through the mayhem he will cause to realize it.
In any case, the fact remain that Obama blatantly lied in his mischaracterization of the Ryan budget.
He has a habit as you do. Attack and denigrate with lies anyone with whom he disagrees. Witness his diatribe against the Supreme Court which even a host of his supporters feel was not only politically ill advised but legal nonsense.
You're in such lock step with Democrat that I never expected you to see the speech for what it was. You didn't disappoint me.
How long does it take for you to study the Democrat talking points before you log on to A2K and spend your employer's hours posting?