timberlandko wrote: ....and the fact remains this Administration has recorded a net job gain
A) Fer Chrissake, if you
don't record a net job gain, you're doing
The population goes up every year. That's means more people require goods and services every year. So more people get hired every year. There are very, very few years since records were kept that there were no net job gains. The question is: how much? Did you keep up with the population increase? If you don't, you are doing terribly.
B) Bush has not only not kept up with population growth in the number of jobs created since he took office, there are now over 300,000
fewer people in the prime of their working lives employed than when he took over.
That's right. When Bush took over, there were over 300,000 more people in the 25-54 year old age group working then than are working now. Yet, the population growth in that same group has gone up 2.9% since Bush took over.
Why does the unemployment rate look good? Because if you were laid off three or four years ago and ran out of places to apply to, you are no longer considered "unemployed" and you don't count in the unemployment statistic.
Fact is, if Bush's job gains has been able to keep pace with inflation, 3.2 million more people in their prime working years would be employed than are employed now. In fact, if Bush's job gains were able to keep up with population growth, 3.9 million people of all ages would be employed than are working now.