@Pamela Rosa,
It might be a far-fetched speculative hypothesis but one is sometimes forced to wonder whether having a Mary Ann Bartels as Bank of America’s head of U.S. technical and market analysis might possibly be a contributory cause of the sorry and sad tale of woe you have seen fit to bring to our attention just as I was beginning to cheer up for the day. Pam.
I am aware that there are other competing hypotheses which seek to explain the turn of events in recent years but as there are so many Pricillas and Nancys within the well guarded portals of those whose task it is to provide explanations I don't expect that the tentative hypothesis I am vaguely pondering will have been given much of an airing.
So I thought I would give it a little trot round the block if only to prevent its legs from wasting away altogether from not being used for what they were intended for by the process known as Advanced Evolution.
AE is a Christian invention btw but it's no use trying to explain that on a thread devoted to economics. The modern economist thinks of that as one might think of the plate when one is consuming double steak-pudding, double chips, double peas and gravy after a frosty morning of lumberjacking and arguing about last night's game. It isn't there I mean to say. One is not conscious of the plate and without it the tablecloth would be a right mess.