The AFT's most recent gift to the District of Columbia was a well funded campaign to defeat the Mayor who hired Michelle Rhee as school superintendent and who beiefly brought some progress and improvement to that unfortunate city's public schools, Sadly that is over now.
I suppose you are unaware that Rhee has been found to have overseen a great deal of fraud, in the test scores that supposedly proved she knew what she was doing?
I suggest you look into it, because the lady - and her supporters - have quite a bit of egg on their faces at the moment.
Re: Catholic schooling, I think there is also a little bit of selection bias at play here. Parents who care enough to send their kids to a special school, that they are paying extra for, care enough to ensure that their children are studying and doing their homework. Think about your own kids. If they had gone to public school, you certainly would have cared about their performance and taken steps to ensure it was good, regardless of the atmosphere, no?
Parental involvement is THE most determinative factor in a child's education quality.