plainoldme wrote:
Quote:ome of the worst performing public school systems are the most costly per pupil, george, proving that money is not the fix to the problem.
That's because the cost of heating, electricity and building maintenance are included in the operating costs. I've stated that fact here many times.
Are you suggesting that academic performance (where objective data are available) correlates with the cost of heating/cooling and building maintenance)???? The fact is it does not. Indeed the correlation of academic performance with cost/pupil in public schools was negative a few years ago (the last time I checked).
As I recall the Washington DC public schools had the highest percapita cost/pupil and nearly the worst measured performance in the nation. That was the year (2003) the local head of the teacher's union (AFT) was caught after embezzling about $3 million from the union over a seven year period. When questioned in the Congress about the national union's failure to audit their books for the past ten years even though their by laws called for annual audits, the union president testified that, "there was no legally enforcable requiremet for them to do so". She was right of course, but she failed to acknowledge that there was a legally enforcable requirement for the school board to deduct the union dues from teacher paychecks and deposit them in the union's account every payday.
The AFT's most recent gift to the District of Columbia was a well funded campaign to defeat the Mayor who hired Michelle Rhee as school superintendent and who beiefly brought some progress and improvement to that unfortunate city's public schools, Sadly that is over now.