They've been doing everything ass-backwards. Even as we all knew that the social security trust fund was going to get depleted faster as the baby-boomers retired, Obama implemented a social security tax reduction effective January 1, 2011.
Congress and everybody else have been talking about several options to make the social security trust fund more solvent for the past several decades by a) increasing the year of retirement benefits, and b) increasing the tax rate.
They sit on their asses, and the GOP under Bush talked about private accounts as the stock market lost 40% in 2008, and now the GOP is talking about changing Medicare by deep cuts and transform it into a voucher system.
What's screwy is the simple fact that millions of conservative seniors are going to get hurt and screwed by their initiatives.
The GOP will always fund the wars, but will strip anything that happens to be for the security of Americans.
All while they continue on their march for lower taxes for the rich.
Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?
I'm going to vote republican from now on!