cicerone imposter wrote:Hokie, You're claiming that Moore's film is untrue, but please show us where and how? All you are doing is presenting your negative opinion without identifying what he shows are lies. Exactly what part of Moore's film are lies? Please be specific; generalities mean nothing.
If you want to be critical, at least have evidence of what you are talking about rather than one "doctor." More than 70% of Canadians are happy with their health care system according to a national poll. One doctor's opinion means zilch.
If you want to believe what one doctor says, please present his position, what he's complaining about, and show proof of his specific complaint (not generalities like your's).
No. I addressed your claim about 'treatment'. You said you learned it from Moore. I think we can all agree he presents his own opinions in rather biased form.
Beyond believing Moore, you have not presented any other proof to back up either your or his claims, so stop demanding results from others.
I have not seen Sicko and probably won't (unless it airs on cable - which I already pay for LOL), but Moore has discussed his film numerous times in the recent past.
Again, if you are gullible enough to accept all he spews, that's your problem. There's plenty of time to fisk his lies and half-truths if a real debate opens up during the campaign. Unlike you, most Americans, I think are going to want more than "Ooooooooh...I heard it from Mikey Moore" so it, like, must be true.