cicerone imposter wrote:
That's the reason why I worry about the US economy; our educational system is not keeping up. We are dropping in math and science compared to other developing countries.
I am getting worried, as we seem to be agreeing too much here. I agree with the above.
You probably won't agree with me concerning the reason however. In my opinion, too much federal involvement, too little real local control and too much political correctness being taught. One big reason, the teachers union in all of this. It is also a result of cultural problems, with movie stars dominating news as if they are important, too many single parent families, unmarried parents, unstable families, etc. Also, the emphasis is on sports, not academia. We have gotten soft, imposter, to put it bluntly. We aren't hungry anymore. Yes, there are many outstanding students and individuals, but the percentage is down in my opinion, and we need more science and math students, not political science and journalism majors. Thats a real fast assessment, and it could stand some more thought and research, but I doubt if I am too far off.