Where is the US economy headed?

Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 10:03 pm
Or how about this one okie

I think technically I may be wrong and Okie correct, but practically I was correct and okie lied.
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 10:05 pm
parados wrote:

okie wrote:
To summarize, Obama is not qualified to be president, he simply lacks the experience and the correct philosophy to govern successfully. He is wrecking the country.

Looks pretty obvious to me. Wreck is used as if it means destroy.

No, obviously it does not necessarily translate. You are either very very dense or you are intentionally mis-translating what I have said. You can have a fender bender or a complete total out for a wreck. I stick by what I said, I think he lacks the experience and the right philosophy to govern successfully, and he is in fact wrecking the country with increased debt, bad legislation, and so forth. I do not believe he will be able to totally destroy it, at least I hope not.

In short, destroy is a more serious term than wreck. Destroy implies the total lack of any chance to recover what had existed before, while wreck implies that something can be salvaged or put back together.
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 10:07 pm
So then I can say this -

Okie argues that Obama doesn't love America and is wrecking the country
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 10:10 pm
In short, destroy is a more serious term than wreck.

You are now arguing semantics okie. It shows how dishonest you really are, doesn't it?

If someone says they destroyed their car would you argue that they didn't do it if it was able to be fixed?
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 10:19 pm
Just for you Parados, since you seem confused. Here are the definitions of destroy and wreck, and they are distinctily different, although in some cases wrecking something can essentially destroy it. Obviously however from the definitions, making a wreck of something or someone does not always preclude the possibility of recovering it to a previous condition. In contrast, destroying something does almost always preclude any chance of restoration.

Here is the destroy definition:

•S: (v) destroy, ruin (destroy completely; damage irreparably) "You have ruined my car by pouring sugar in the tank!"; "The tears ruined her make-up"
•S: (v) demolish, destroy (defeat soundly) "The home team demolished the visitors"
•S: (v) destroy, put down (put (an animal) to death) "The customs agents destroyed the dog that was found to be rabid"; "the sick cat had to be put down""

And the wreck definition:
" Verb
•S: (v) bust up, wreck, wrack (smash or break forcefully) "The kid busted up the car"
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 10:26 pm
parados wrote:

In short, destroy is a more serious term than wreck.

You are now arguing semantics okie. It shows how dishonest you really are, doesn't it?

If someone says they destroyed their car would you argue that they didn't do it if it was able to be fixed?

Semantics are very important when assessing politicians such as Obama. It is important in understanding what I have written and the point I am attempting to get across. It is you that is being dishonest when you try to twist what I have said and intentionally dismiss any further explanation that I may offer to clarify what you do not appear to understand correctly.

If someone said they destroyed their car, obviously that sounds worse to me than if they simply said they wrecked their car. If they said they wrecked their car, I don't know about you, but I would have a little more hope that their car could be fixed.

Translating this to Obama and the economy, which is what this thread is supposed to be about, I think he is currently wrecking our economy, but I hope that it can be fixed, which would be easier than if he totally destroyed our economy. That is my opinion anyway, if you care to actually understand it.
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 11:24 pm
So there is no water left for the rest of the country, is that what you are saying?
The Mississippi, Ohio, Monangahela, Potomac, Missouri, Colorado, and every other river and stream are all gone now?
What about the Great Lakes?
Are they gone now also?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2010 11:30 pm
Actually, over half of its money comes from dues and fees paid by NPR stations.


According to the 2005 financial statement, NPR makes just over half of its money from the fees and dues it charges member stations to receive programming. Public funding accounts for 16% of the average member station's revenue, with 10% of this coming in the form of grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a federally funded organization.[14][15][16] Some more of that money originates from local and state governments and government-funded universities subsidizing member stations' fees and dues to NPR.[17] Member stations that serve rural and "minority" communities receive significantly more funding from the CPB; in some cases up to 70%.[14] About 2% of NPR's non-membership created funding comes from bidding on government grants and programs, chiefly the Corporation for Public Broadcasting; the remainder comes from member station dues, foundation grants, and corporate underwriting. Typically, NPR member stations raise funds through on-air pledge drives, corporate underwriting, and grants from state governments, universities, and the CPB itself
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 12:00 am
I just read this article, and it raises all kinds of questions...


Unemployed homeowners in Massachusetts will be able to take out interest-free loans of up to $50,000 to help them make mortgage payments, under a $1 billion federal program unveiled today in Roxbury by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development


. To qualify for loans of up to two years, borrowers must have suffered a significant drop in income and be at least three months behind on mortgage payments. They also must demonstrate "a reasonable likelihood of being able to resume" payments within two years. Applications will be accepted until the end of the year.

What happens at the end of that 2 years if the homeowner cant repay this loan?
What are these loans secured by?

Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 02:24 am
What are these loans secured by?

these are second mortgages, which means in most cases if the borrower defaults there will be little collected. The first Mortgage holder has first dibs, and often we are talking about homes that are underwater, or nearly so. This program only make sense for people who can get their employment situation fixed in two years, or who bet the real estate market come roaring back in the next two years and are correct so that they then get out of their house by selling it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 06:46 am

Semantics are very important when assessing politicians such as Obama. It is important in understanding what I have written and the point I am attempting to get across. It is you that is being dishonest when you try to twist what I have said and intentionally dismiss any further explanation that I may offer to clarify what you do not appear to understand correctly.

Ah.. so if YOU interpret what others say, it's ok but if anyone interprets what you say it makes them a liar.

You are a lying **** okie. There is no question about it. You have no honor because you apply stricter standards to others than you do to yourself. You feel you can make up meanings and it is OK but if anyone even uses synonyms of words you use then you demand an apology and call those people liars. There is little doubt that an objective standard of what you practice versus what you allow others to practice shows you have no decency at all.
Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 06:59 am
wreck -

to cause the ruin or destruction of: to wreck a car.

Destroy -
to reduce (an object) to useless fragments, a useless form, or remains, as by rending, burning, or dissolving; injure beyond repair or renewal; demolish; ruin; annihilate.

ruin -

10.to reduce to ruin; devastate.

12. to injure (a thing) irretrievably.


Main Entry: wreck
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: severe damage or severely damaged goods
Synonyms: collapse, crash, crate, debacle, debris, derelict, destruction, devastation, disruption, fender bender, heap*, hulk, jalopy, junk*, junker, litter, mess, pile-up, rear-ender, relic, ruin, ruins, shipwreck, smashup, total*, waste, wreckage
Notes: wreak means to cause something, especially trouble; wreck means to destroy something


Main Entry: destroy
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: demolish, devastate
Synonyms: abort, annihilate, annul, axe, blot out, break down, butcher, consume, cream*, crush, damage, deface, desolate, despoil, dismantle, dispatch, end, eradicate, erase, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, gut, impair, kill, lay waste, level, liquidate, maim, mar, maraud, mutilate, nuke, nullify, overturn, quash, quell, ravage, ravish, raze, ruin, sabotage, shatter, slay, smash, snuff out, spoliate, stamp out, suppress, swallow up, tear down, torpedo, total, trash*, vaporize, waste, wax, wipe out, wreck, zap

Now, are you willing to call the dictionary and the thesaurus liars okie? Or are you going to apologize to me for calling me a liar?
Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 09:59 am
Obama, Pelosi, Reid and their ilk have not done a single thing to improve the US economy... these anti capitalist loons have the US economy going in the wrong direction.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 01:16 pm
parados wrote:

Now, are you willing to call the dictionary and the thesaurus liars okie? Or are you going to apologize to me for calling me a liar?

No, of course not. I maintain however that the words, wreck and destroy, they should not be used interchangeably. For example, do you think that wrecking your car is always the same in every case as destroying your car? You can wreck your car and end up with simply bending your bumper or fender, which can be fixed. On the other hand, it would be almost impossible to fix a car that was destroyed.

Now, I am sure you won't agree, because you never agree with common sense, you will continue to argue your partisan and mis-interpreted viewpoint that because I once said that Obama was wrecking the economy, that I said he was destroying the economy. I maintain the obvious common sense reasoning that the words are not always interchangeble, and if you are going to quote somebody, you need to do it accurately.

An example of quoting accurately, just today there is a news story that reported that Biden said he would strangle the next Republican that said anything about balancing the budget. Does that mean he is threatening to murder them? How about it, parados? Use your own reasoning with Biden and see where it leads. Murder is probably a synonym of strangle, is it not, or at least it ends up with the same result, and context does not matter in your view. Can I quote Biden as saying he in fact said he would "murder" the next Republican that mentions balancing the budget? And if anyone claims Biden did not say he would murder the next Republican to mention budget balancing, they would be lying according to your reasoning.

Actually, I might as well quote Biden as saying "If I hear one more Republican tell me about balancing the budget, I am going to murder them." That is what he said, right Parados?
Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 03:51 pm
Oh.. you are going to call the dictionary and thesaurus liars. OK..

Either they are correct that destroy and ruin are synonyms or they are wrong. This is the kind of parsing you always claim to hate okie and yet here you are doing it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 03:54 pm
I maintain the obvious common sense reasoning that the words are not always interchangeble, and if you are going to quote somebody, you need to do it accurately.

You need to do it accurately? You mean like when you claim "we didn't take him" means the same thing as "they offered him to us"? Your idea of accuracy is pretty unclear okie.
One can clearly take things that aren't offered. In fact you can't find me any dictionary that equates those 2 phrases and now you want to claim we have to quote accurately? You are so full of dishonesty it's amazing. You clearly don't live up to the standards you require of others.
Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 04:59 pm
The points you just made are important. First of all, if you are going to quote somebody, then yes you should not change the words or re-interpret them into different words. If you do so, you should state the translation as your opinion. The situation where Clinton told of not taking OBL from the Sudan, I clearly stated it as my opinion that it implied that OBL was offered to Clinton and he chose not to take him, and I do not think I ever attempted to directly quote Clinton as saying he was offered OBL. I believe that is a reasonable interpretation based upon common sense, but I do not believe I misquoted Clinton and claimed that he said some different words that he did not say, parados. I think if someone said that they did not accept something, it implies that it was offered to them, okay, but that is far different than your attempt to translate what I have said about Obama not loving America as he should, and claiming I said that Obama hated America. Such a claim is not quoting me accurately, nor is it taking into account all of the explanations and clarifications that I have offered here. The same principle applies to the words "destroy" and "wreck."

And as Larry King would say, ANSWER THE QUESTION. Parados, did Biden say ""If I hear one more Republican tell me about balancing the budget, I am going to murder them."
Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 05:02 pm
Based on events during Clinton Al Quaeda did not do much damage. You are using hindsight. Using hindsight would you still vote for GWB who has done more damage to the US than OBL?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 06:22 pm
Here is an interesting video on why people vote Republican.

Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 06:29 pm
Obama is a gangster. He helps steal what people have earned and gives it to people who have not earned it.


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