Where is the US economy headed?

reasoning logic
Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 06:29 pm
Seems like some good reasons to vote republican. Drunk
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 07:10 pm
GWB broke so many international laws he is the gangster.
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Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 09:51 pm
Advocate wrote:

Here is an interesting video on why people vote Republican.


What a disgusting pile of crap, probably put out by some extremist Democratic funded whacko group, maybe paid for by George Soros.

I am voting Republican because we need responsible adults in office that have at least an ounce of common sense. And I am also voting Republican because the video you linked is an example of disgusting demagoguery and twisting of the truth by whacko Democrats.
Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 10:40 pm
ican711nm wrote:

Obama is a gangster. He helps steal what people have earned and gives it to people who have not earned it.

Strange, if Obama really wanted to be his brother's keeper, how come he doesn't have a better house built for his brother living in a mud hut in Africa? And is Obama's aunt still living in public housing? If Obama cannot afford to help, how about getting assistance from Tony Rezko, Alexi Giannoulias, or some of his other Chicago connections? And how come the press does not ask him these questions?
Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2010 08:06 am
okie wrote:

Advocate wrote:

Here is an interesting video on why people vote Republican.


What a disgusting pile of crap, probably put out by some extremist Democratic funded whacko group, maybe paid for by George Soros.

I am voting Republican because we need responsible adults in office that have at least an ounce of common sense. And I am also voting Republican because the video you linked is an example of disgusting demagoguery and twisting of the truth by whacko Democrats.

Your reply indicates your basic dishonesty. Even though you have no idea who issued the video, you insinuate that it came from an "extremist" Dem group or George Soros. This is so typical of the right with all its hoax and libelous emails.

As for the message, it shows the deleterious effects of voting Republican. There is no denying this.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2010 08:17 am
Destroy is more serious than wreck?

Not necessarily, although there is such a thing as an idiolect, a personal language, and, while that difference may not have been part of your idiolect until the minute you wrote that response (which I suspect is the case), when people talk about a vehicle that is wrecked, they certainly mean one that can not be driven, that may have been the scene of a death.

The chief difference between wreck and destroy is that wreck needs no alteration to be both a noun and a verb while destroy is a verb and must be changed significantly to become a noun.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2010 08:20 am
You say here how important semantics are but I suspect that until parados mentioned semantics, you would not have thought about them nor would you have known about them.

Your posts demonstrate a lack of sophistication . . . both political and intellectual . . . that would render you incapable of judging the semantics used by any politician.

This is not said to insult you but to hold a mirror up to your face.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2010 08:23 am
There is a thread on that video.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2010 08:48 am
The video is satire, okie. It is just the opposite of "demagoguery." That is, demagoguery as you mean it.*

Satire exists to reveal truths. To understand satire, one must be able to use logic and to have a sense of humor. As I have told written several times here on these boards, the classic signs of intelligence include memory (the least reliable of the signs, as there are notable exceptions), the ability to use logic, humor and adaptability.

You repeatedly demonstrate a deficient memory, a lack of both logic and humor as well as a back so stiff that you could never adapt to the smallest of changes.

That short film pointed out that Republicans are against maintaining a clean environment, natural foods, honest labeling and so much more, all of which can be proved by a month's worth of newspapers.

What is being satirized here is the blind acceptance of the lies of Republicans by this nation of sheep. But, of course, that flew over your head.

BTW, George Soros is not Emmanuel Goldstein. You can google Emmanuel Goldstein in order to understand the reference. You continually cite people you think are leaders of the left. Well, no such powerful and influential leaders exist. Rather, their alleged power is a product of your misunderstanding, or, your paranoia, but, most likely, a mix of each.

* Demagoguery technically means the divisive speech of leaders and the people who acted in, wrote and produced this short film are probably not leaders. I propose it is a film school student project.

In ancient times, demagogues were those who supported the common people. As the top quintile of this nation has been robbing and raping 80% of the workforce with increased intensity over the past 30 years (after nearly a century of progress for the working individual), a demagogue in the old sense of the word, would be welcomed with open arms.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2010 10:37 am
okie wrote:

ican711nm wrote:

Obama is a gangster. He helps steal what people have earned and gives it to people who have not earned it.

Strange, if Obama really wanted to be his brother's keeper, how come he doesn't have a better house built for his brother living in a mud hut in Africa? And is Obama's aunt still living in public housing? If Obama cannot afford to help, how about getting assistance from Tony Rezko, Alexi Giannoulias, or some of his other Chicago connections? And how come the press does not ask him these questions?

Oh, I'd say that's for the same reason the press didn't ask Bush about his family and business ties to the Bin Laden family. Or about the fact that his grandfather Prescott made a killing doing business with the Nazis.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2010 10:39 am
okie wrote:

Advocate wrote:

Here is an interesting video on why people vote Republican.


What a disgusting pile of crap, probably put out by some extremist Democratic funded whacko group, maybe paid for by George Soros.

I am voting Republican because we need responsible adults in office that have at least an ounce of common sense. And I am also voting Republican because the video you linked is an example of disgusting demagoguery and twisting of the truth by whacko Democrats.

Laughing Which Republican - specifically - would you say is an 'adult' with an ounce of common sense?

The truth is that the Republican leadership in Congress right now doesn't display that. They continually make statements which are absolutely the opposite of reality, and there's no situation that they are unwilling to lie or demagogue.

Do me a favor - pick someone from the Republican leadership that you think is an example of someone who tells the truth and is 'an adult,' and I'll prove you wrong, by giving quotes of theirs. It'll be fun!

Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2010 10:47 am
Republicans are not the issue, cyclops, the issue is the Democratic Party and the total mismanagement of the economy and other issues that they have presided over. I am not saying the Repubs are perfect, and you will be able to find fault, but virtually any of them would be a vast improvement over what we have now. Even McCain, if he had won, I think the situations including the economy would be vastly better.
Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2010 10:53 am
okie wrote:

Republicans are not the issue, cyclops, the issue is the Democratic Party and the total mismanagement of the economy and other issues that they have presided over.

But, that's not what you just said. You said you were voting for a Republican so that an 'adult with common sense' would be in charge. I am asserting that the Republican leadership isn't adult and doesn't display common sense, and I'm willing to have an in-depth discussion of the person or people who you do think do this.

I am not saying the Repubs are perfect, and you will be able to find fault, but virtually any of them would be a vast improvement over what we have now. Even McCain, if he had won, I think the situations including the economy would be vastly better.

What would McCain have done differently, and how would it have helped the economy so much?

Please remember when you answer that virtually every economist you can find agrees that the Stim bill did add a lot to our GDP, which would have been much lower without it, and factor that into your answer.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2010 10:56 am
Gallup Finds U.S. Unemployment at 10.1% in September
Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2010 11:30 am
Your statement that every Rep leader lies is too, too, true. Can't wait for the response.
Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2010 11:32 am
Advocate wrote:

Your statement that every Rep leader lies is too, too, true. Can't wait for the response.

I doubt that we will get one.

It isn't that I'm against people having opposite opinions than mine; that's fine, a natural part of life. The problem is that the Republican leadership lies on a regular basis about a wide variety of topics, with abandon, and nobody in our press corps really calls them on it, and their constituents certainly don't care.

Not just little lies, or differences in ways of looking at a situation; full-out falsehoods, completely the opposite from the truth. Things that no economist or policy wonk supports.

Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2010 12:36 pm
Does it annoy you Cyclo that the constituents who don't care, assuming they don't, have each as many votes as you have? And that there are a lot more of them than you?
Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2010 12:38 pm
spendius wrote:

Does it annoy you Cyclo that the constituents who don't care, assuming they don't, have each as many votes as you have? And that there are a lot more of them than you?

No, for the alternatives are less palatable than the problems we faced due to an uninformed and detached electorate.

You know what they say: Democracy, the worst form of government, except for all the rest of them.

Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2010 12:49 pm

NAZIS TOTAL.................................1931-45............10,000,000
COMMUNIST TOTAL.....................1944-87..........110,286,000

Where would a socialist dictatorship be headed?

Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2010 01:12 pm
You know what they say: Democracy, the worst form of government, except for all the rest of them.

I do know "they" say that but I'm not persuaded it is true. And George's point that the pollution you see might not be as bad as that you don't see is a valid one.

I think your, and our, pollution of language is a much bigger problem.

The Rev. Dr. Maxwell, reporting on conversations with Sam Johnson, wrote--

The inseparable imperfection annexed to all human governments, consisted, he said, in not being able to create a sufficient fund of virtue and principle to carry the laws into due and effectual execution. Wisdom might plan, but virtue alone could execute. And where could sufficient virtue be found? A variety of delegated, and often discretionary, powers must be intrusted somewhere; which, if not governed by integrity and conscience, would necessarily be abused, till at last the constable would sell his for a shilling.

And the promotion of evolution theory using polluted language is not only unlikely to mitigate the speed at which a dictator arrives but to accelerate it.

But anyway --302 million mad hat competitive consumers in almost perpetual high velocity mode with intellectual justification for crass hedonism is hardly calculated to produce a fund of virtue enough to fill a jam jar. Assertions to the contrary, suspicious by their number and emphatic nature, notwithstanding.
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