plainoldme wrote:
You have no idea where the ground is. I have been a social worker, a teacher and a political activist. I was an environmentalist since the early 60s, when I was also a civil rights and anti-war activist.
Thanks, that explains much about you and why you post such nonsense and drivel.
Quote:The person who doesn't care is you because you haven't taken the personal responsibility of educating yourself. You are still working out adolescent fantasies of being a rebel without a clue, smearing mud into the faces of your long dead parents for having been what you describe as Roosevelt Democrats.
Again nonsense and insulting. I loved my parents, they were great people, and they quit voting Democrat a very long time ago when they woke up to the fact that the party was morphing into a party of radicals and extremists. My dad for example, was a Pacific war vet, and he absolutely detested Clinton and considered him a traitor.
Quote:Based on the idiocy you rain on us about Hitler and god know who else, I suspect that your parents probably listened to Father Couglin's radio show and voted for Alf Landon!
I never heard of Father Couglin, and I doubt my parents did either, and I don't think they voted for Alf Landon, no, no chance.
Good night, pom, I hope you feel great about all the baseless insults and nonsensical crap you've posted tonight. Actually I hope you feel as rotten as you should feel. You still have time to repent and change your ways.