George, interesting. As I honestly answered pom, I had never heard of the Coughlin guy and had no idea who he was. So besides reading your interesting post, I did some web searching, and of course one source is Wikipedia, which indicates the man was an avid FDR and New Deal supporter early on, so basically he sounds like his basic politics leaned leftward. Later, he apparently became very vocal about his anti-semitic views and was an apologist for Hitler and Mussolini, so it appears his politics were sympathetic to Fascism, which is also very leftist in nature. The pattern here is totally consistent with a left leaning philosophy. Apparently one of his favorite slogans was "social justice," which interestingly is a favorite of almost every leftist dictator. I have pointed that out numerous times here.
One thing I know for sure, I do not recall ever hearing my parents talk about Father Coughlin, and I am certain they would never have liked him. Number one, they did not even own a radio until the 50's, nor did they even listen to it much when they did, and they were not Catholics so why would they care to listen to some priest spouting his political views? Besides, my parents were not anti-semitic. In fact, I remember pretty clearly my mother shopping at a grocery store owned by Jews, in fact she talked about how business savvy they were, and I had the distinct impression she knew them personally and liked them. They had great bargains and she regularly shopped there for produce every week. I know because as a little kid I sat in the back seat of the car on her shopping trips, while she talked about her shopping, the bargains, and her philosophy.
And George, I must address something you said in the above:
Quote:The enduring truth is that some progressive redistributionist movements can be the cause or rationalization for great and enduring tyrannies. Others end up far more benign. Knowing the difference requires thought, insight and a flexible mind. Zealots on both sides of political arguments usually lack those qualities.
I agree with you wholeheartedly about "progressive redistributionist movements" causing tyrannies. However when you say zealots on both sides of political arguments lack the ability to distinguish between the benign leftists and the dangerous ones. I think you are dead wrong, as you once again want to paint yourself as some center of the road analyst of the policital spectrum. I will remind you of a couple of things. Were the founders and signers of the Declaration of Independence over zealous? And was John F. Kennedy wrong when he said "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice" ? Was he wrong, George?
I would also like to ask you, how many cancers are benign, no matter how small they are? Ponder that over for a while.
You are well aware that you have told me I am wrong in regard to Hitler being a leftist, I believe you are the one, and you have criticized me for being too zealous or extreme in my conservatism. What you are interpreting as extremism is a solid and justifiable belief in what is conservative, correct and right, and a vigorous opposition to what is leftward, liberal, and wrong. I never thought JFK was that great of a president, but I certainly agree with what he said, perhaps a speechwriter wrote it for him, when he said "extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice."