plainoldme wrote:Here, ican is promoting the fallacy that the fascistic right would not be corrupted by the power they already have and the additional power they seek. This is worded so as to say that only the left is corruptible.
You are promoting the fallacy that there is such a thing as the "fascist right." There is only the fascist left.
Dictatorship of any kind is leftist. On the absolute left there is absolute dictatorship. On the absolute right there is absolute anarchy. To the immediate right of Conservatives there are only Liberatarians. To the immediate right of Libertarians there are only anarchists.
To the left of Conservatives there are people who favor greater government control over individual choice. To the right of Conservatives there are people who favor less government control of individual choice. Conservatives favor the individual choices the Constitution of the USA secures.
If allowed to persist, leftists advocating socialism inevitably become corrupted by their power and establish dictatorships: for example, Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot, et cetera ... Castro, Chavez ...
Obviously, the left is not based on citizen control of the state and decision-making. Instead the left if permitted power too long, becomes based on its own evolution of dictatorship. To gain greater control of the citizens it seeks to rule, it propagandizes the claim that it is for increasing citizen control of the state and its decision making , but actually it operates to reduce, not increase, citizen control of the state and its decision making.