Again, If allowed to persist, leftists advocating socialism inevitably become corrupted by their power and establish dictatorships: for example, Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot, et cetera ... Castro, Chavez ...
Obviously, the left is not based on citizen control of the state and decision-making. Instead the left if permitted power too long, becomes based on its own evolution of dictatorship. It mouths that it is for increasing citizen control of the state and its decision making, but actually it operates to reduce, not increase, citizen control of the state and its decision making.
You, and your leftist contemporaries, and like you your predecessors, believe that
claims of intending betterment of the human race count for more than the reality of what the left actually did and does. You're mind is as manipulatable as were the minds of too many Germans under Hitler and too many Russians under Stalin.
I grew up observing the techniques now being used by the ODD (i.e., Obama Democrat Disassemblers) as the same as those techniques used by Hitler's and Stalin's disassemblers of their nations.