New technological innovations, whether in the IT field or others very often start out as the creations of individuals or small groups. In many other cases they are the work of dedicated research & developments in large corporations. However, in both circumstances, their continued development and deployment to markets is almost always done in business ventures. Moreover it is the prospect of major business success that drives most such innovation, however it occurs. It is the absence of the possibility of individual business success, and the associated conflict with human nature , that made centrally planned socialist systems such drab poverty-ridden failures.
Here is the exchange that started this and has now reduced plainoldme to stupid sputtering and name calling;
georgeob1 wrote: Many socialistic systems end up delivering only uniform poverty precisely because they inhibit innovation and investment that might lead to the expansion of net economic activity and wealth.
To which plainoldme responded;
Quote: I have seen no evidence of "innovation" in American business.
Her subsequent rationalization for this absurd response was as follows;
plainoldme wrote: Then you went on the blah blah blah as I knew you would about IT technology.
Well, I wrote there is no innovation in American business.
I said nothing about technology.
Technology does not need that superstructure we call business.
Thus, george can not read deeply enough.
So what she means by “innovation” remains undefined …. a mystery in that it apparently does not involve new technologies of any kind or even new products. It appears her statement didn’t mean anything at all, and that she simply lacks the courage and character to acknowledge it, resorting to evasion and name-calling instead.
Plainoldme is very quick to spew out belittling comments on any and all who don’t duplicate her views, but also strangely unable to engage in any coherent dialogue about the ideas under discussion. I’m willing to believe that, beneath these weak and neurotic defense mechanisms there might be a decent person. However, I’m not willing to let that garbage pass unchallenged.