Where is the US economy headed?

Reply Tue 4 May, 2010 11:09 am
Here is more evidence that the Odem (i.e., Obamademocrats) are lying thieving gangsters working to reduce our Liberty, our Constitutional Government, and our Capitalist Economy. We shall lawfully remove the Odem from our federal government.

OPINION: April 29, 2010
For consideration for publication or source material
The Fort Hood Attack: Unresolved
By Congressman John Carter

Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical Al-Qaeda leader from the Washington, D.C. area but now hiding in Yemen, played a role in the 9-11 attacks, along with attempted attacks in 2006 on the Canadian Parliament and in 2007 against U.S. soldiers at Fort Dix, New Jersey. Then on November 5, 2009, he succeeded in helping instigate the deadly attack on Fort Hood, Texas leaving 14 Americans dead and 30 wounded.

Al-Awlaki then dispatched a second assassin to bomb a U.S. airliner on Christmas Day, which attempt fortunately failed. Awlaki has since released a video claiming credit for the Fort Hood and airliner attacks, acknowledging his role, and praising the attackers.

Yet the Obama Administration continues to deny the Fort Hood attack was terrorism, failed to grant the casualties the same status as that given casualties from the 2001 Pentagon attack, conspicuously omitted even mention of the words “radical Islamic terrorism” in the official DOD report on the shootings, and will not acknowledge the role of political-correctness in stifling whistleblower warnings of the impending attack.

Now the Administration is refusing to fully comply with a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee subpoena that the Pentagon share documents and witnesses concerning the incident.

Senate Homeland Security Chairman Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Ranking Minority Member Susan Collins (R-MA) issued the subpoena after the Administration refused to provide those documents on the request of the committee.

The Administration bases their denial on the argument that releasing the information might endanger their prosecution of Major Nidal Hasan.
As a state judge who presided over murder trials for 20 years before coming to Congress, that’s ludicrous. Any prosecutor who can’t win a conviction against Hasan with literally dozens of eyewitnesses doesn’t need to be a prosecutor.

House and Senate members are not convinced that the Pentagon is taking the necessary steps to provide maximum deterrance to similar attacks in the future, or to respond to the aftermath of this attack. This is why subpoenas have been issued, and why I have introduced legislation to remedy these shortcomings.

As to the specific bills I introduced this year dealing with the Fort Hood attack, no floor or committee action has yet been taken, but the text of the bills are under consideration for inclusion in this year’s Defense Authorization Act.

The Fort Hood Families Benefits Protection Act, HR 4791 in the House and S 2807 by Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) in the Senate, would award both military and civilian casualties of the Fort Hood attack the same status as that awarded unilaterally by the Department of Defense to the casualties of the Pentagon attack on September 11, 2001. All casualties would be deemed eligible for the Purple Heart or the DOD civilian award equivalent. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has also been asked to make that determination unilaterally as did former Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in 2001.

The Military Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act, HR 4267, protects service members from politically-correct disciplinary action for reporting or taking protective steps against radical Islamic threats.

There is a new Al-Qaeda attack scheme against America that has emerged since 2001, that must be recognized by the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security.

“Lone wolves” are being actively recruited by Al-Awlaki and his like over the internet, and encouraged to attack alone if necessary. The attackers may be dysfunctional individuals or even mentally unbalanced, but that makes no difference. The results of the attack are all that matter to Al-Qaeda. Major Hasan, the underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, Colleen Rose and Jamie Paulin-Ramirez " the American women implicated in the plot to kill a Swedish cartoonist for drawing Mohammed " all are concrete examples of this new Al-Qaeda attack strategy.

It is a strategy that must be recognized, trained for, and guarded against by our Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies. Refusing to acknowledge reality is not the way to make that happen.

Reply Tue 4 May, 2010 11:14 am
This has nothing to do with the topic at all. Please confine your anti-Obama propaganda to the appropriate threads.

Reply Tue 4 May, 2010 12:06 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Please confine your anti-Obama propaganda to the appropriate threads.

Yes because we wouldn't want to muck up any threads containing Obama's anti-America propaganda.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 May, 2010 03:30 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

This has nothing to do with the topic at all. Please confine your anti-Obama propaganda to the appropriate threads.


Are you implying that Obama's policies do not affect the economy? Not so, cyclops, in fact Obama's policies are almost all economically unsound and negative.
Reply Tue 4 May, 2010 03:34 pm
okie wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:

This has nothing to do with the topic at all. Please confine your anti-Obama propaganda to the appropriate threads.


Are you implying that Obama's policies do not affect the economy? Not so, cyclops, in fact Obama's policies are almost all economically unsound and negative.

2 points:

1, Obama's policies are not only economically sound, they are positive; which is to say that they are indeed working out just fine.

Even more so,

2, Ican's piece had nothing to do with Obama's economic policies in any way, shape or fashion. It's obvious that you didn't even read it.

Reply Tue 4 May, 2010 03:42 pm
You are correct, ican's info had more to do with Obama's poor terrorism policy, but I still strongly disagree that Obama's economic policies are working out, there is little evidence of that. I would also add that without citizen confidence in an effective anti-terrorist policy, economic optimism is also going to suffer. None of these issues exist in a vacuum.
Reply Tue 4 May, 2010 03:51 pm
okie wrote:

You are correct, ican's info had more to do with Obama's poor terrorism policy, but I still strongly disagree that Obama's economic policies are working out, there is little evidence of that.

Sure there is: the economy is doing tremendously better than when Obama took office. Even you cannot deny this fact. Therefore, it is fair to say that Obama's economic policies are working out just fine.

Even the DOW, which dived due to the crisis, is back up at the levels it was previously at. At one time you pointed to this as proof of Obama's failure, but you don't ever bring it up anymore. Why is that?

I would also add that without citizen confidence in an effective anti-terrorist policy, economic optimism is also going to suffer. None of these issues exist in a vacuum.

PFFFFFF Rolling Eyes

Try reading pieces before jumping to defend them.

Reply Tue 4 May, 2010 06:55 pm

Year USA Total Civil Employed
2001……………….............. 136,933,000 [BUSH43 2001 TO 2009]
August........................ 145,273,000
September……………... 145,029,000
October....................... 144,650,007
November................... 144,144,000
December.................... 143,338,000

2009: [OBAMA 2009 TO ?]
April...................... 140,902
May........................ 140,438
June....................... 140,038
July....................... 139,817
August..................... 139,433
September................ 138,768
October.................... 138,242
November................... 138,381
December................... 137,792

January (3)................ 138,333
February................... 138,641
March...................... 138,905
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 May, 2010 08:21 pm
Until my daughter went to France as an au pair (1996-97), during a time that I was immersed in the late Middle Ages, I hadn't heard of Bin Laden. The first time I heard of him was during a phone call from my daughter.

I visited her during the spring of 1997, when the entire nation was locked down because of terrorist threats. There were very tall soldiers stationed in subways with submachine guns. All of the trash baskets were lidded and locked, as were the lockers in rail stations. My daughter and I took a train trip around Brittany and it was a tad inconvenient, being unable to check our bag while we went looking for a place to eat. The French took the situation in stride. Towns were clean. People went about their daily business.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 May, 2010 01:37 pm

Obamanomics is forcing huge budget cuts at the state level. This will cause an increase in unemployment and force states & towns to raise taxes
and reduce services. The US economy is heading in the wrong direction. The Obama administration better come up with a new plan and do it quickly.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 May, 2010 02:41 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

okie wrote:

You are correct, ican's info had more to do with Obama's poor terrorism policy, but I still strongly disagree that Obama's economic policies are working out, there is little evidence of that.

Sure there is: the economy is doing tremendously better than when Obama took office. Even you cannot deny this fact. Therefore, it is fair to say that Obama's economic policies are working out just fine.

So the unemployment rate of less than 7% at the time Obama was elected, that gave all that audacious hope, when it rose to over 10% and is still hovering around 10% amidst all that wonderful hope and failed policies, you think that it is working out just fine, cyclops? I think you are delusional.

Even the DOW, which dived due to the crisis, is back up at the levels it was previously at. At one time you pointed to this as proof of Obama's failure, but you don't ever bring it up anymore. Why is that?

Okay I will bring it up again. Check out the chart below, cyclops, and you will see distinct dowturns in mid-2008 when Obama gained the advantage over Clinton, later in 2008 when polls showed a likely Obama victory, November 2008 when he won the election, and January 2009 when he was sworn in. If you can read a chart, you will see it, but I know you won't admit it. The current value of around 11,000 is still well below the approximate 12,000 before it began to look like a sure Obama victory. People respond to future outlooks in the market, and the projection of an Obama victory was very bad news for business in general and investors, and although the market has recovered somewhat due to the resilience of the American people, nobody can honestly say that confidence and optimism is anywhere near back to normal or above normal. Obama as president, coupled with a Demcratic Congress is a very adversarial situation to business, and this will not change radically until we get new leadership that people know and understand are on their side, are for the people, the people that are the doers in this society. As it is, the leadership are a bunch of takers, people that advocate robbing the hard work of the producers and giving it to the non-producers.


Reply Wed 5 May, 2010 03:09 pm

So the unemployment rate of less than 7% at the time Obama was elected, that gave all that audacious hope, when it rose to over 10% and is still hovering around 10% amidst all that wonderful hope and failed policies, you think that it is working out just fine, cyclops? I think you are delusional.

You act as if there was no crisis before the man took office! Your post posits that the drops in the stock market were not due to the crisis, but instead due to fear of Obama! This is a completely farcical position and if you truly believe that the liquidity crisis had less to do with the Dow meltdown and unemployment than Obama's election did, then you're a fool. Truly a fool. Living in fantasy land.

Here are two graphs for you. The Red bars represent Bush's term, and the Blue, Obama's.



You tell me if things are getting better or not - and on whose watch things started going downhill. The obvious answer is of course that Bush and your party left a gigantic mess for Obama to clean up, and that's exactly what he is doing.

Obama as president, coupled with a Demcratic Congress is a very adversarial situation to business, and this will not change radically until we get new leadership that people know and understand are on their side, are for the people, the people that are the doers in this society.

Pfff, to hell with your Objectivist clap-trap. 'Doers' versus 'takers.' It's all about greed with you guys in the end, every time.

Reply Wed 5 May, 2010 03:17 pm
Your first graph is fine, but I think you're overplaying your hand on the second. The second graph isn't demonstrating improvement. It's merely showing that during the Obama administration, the job market got worse slower.
Reply Wed 5 May, 2010 03:21 pm
Thomas wrote:

Your first graph is fine, but I think you're overplaying your hand on the second. The second graph isn't demonstrating improvement. It's merely showing that during the Obama administration, the job market got worse slower.

We are at the point now where we are not shedding jobs - the graph shows a clear improvement, slow as it is.

I agree that the situation could be better in a variety of ways, but I can't agree that the graph doesn't show some improvement. Even 'getting worse slower' is better then the previous rate of job losses.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 May, 2010 03:58 pm

The job market got worse and remains worse under Obama.
Nothing Obama has done since taking office has generated jobs.
The US economy is heading down the toilet and Obama doesn't seem the least bit concerned.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 May, 2010 05:36 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Pfff, to hell with your Objectivist clap-trap. 'Doers' versus 'takers.' It's all about greed with you guys in the end, every time.


Obama is the guy into greed, as well as you, take from the producers and give to the non-producers. And obviously you never looked at my graphs. The economy is worse under Obama than it was Bush, no question about it. Obama seems to want to destroy every industry he can get Congress to cooperate with him on.
Reply Wed 5 May, 2010 05:43 pm
okie wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:

Pfff, to hell with your Objectivist clap-trap. 'Doers' versus 'takers.' It's all about greed with you guys in the end, every time.


Obama is the guy into greed, as well as you, take from the producers and give to the non-producers.

There is no such distinction as 'producers vs. non-producers.' This is the error of your thinking. You are buying into Randian stereotypes that don't accurately describe our world at all.

And obviously you never looked at my graphs. The economy is worse under Obama than it was Bush, no question about it. Obama seems to want to destroy every industry he can get Congress to cooperate with him on.

The economy isn't doing worse under Obama than Bush. When you inherit a massive recession from the previous guy, it is to be expected that things take time to get cleaned up.

The financial crash didn't happen on Obama's watch, it happened on BUSH'S watch. We lost trillions of dollars of wealth on his watch. You can't ignore the end of his term just because it's inconvenient for you.

Reply Wed 5 May, 2010 05:59 pm
Freddie Mac today reported a loss of $8Bn in the 1st quarter of 2010. It wants another $10.6Bn in aid to keep it going. That would bring the total to $61.3Bn since THE FIRM WAS TAKEN OVER BY REGULATORS IN SEPTEMBER, 2008.
I think that that was during the Bush administration.
Do we put in more money, or should we let it fail? What would be the financial ramifications of choosing the latter course?
Reply Wed 5 May, 2010 06:18 pm

Year…………………..……..USA Total Civil Employed
2001………………..............136,933,000 [BUSH43 2001 TO 2009]
August........................ 145,273,000
September……………... 145,029,000
October....................... 144,650,007
November................... 144,144,000
December.................... 143,338,000

2009: [OBAMA 2009 TO ?]
April...................... 140,902
May........................ 140,438
June....................... 140,038
July....................... 139,817
August..................... 139,433
September................ 138,768
October.................... 138,242
November................... 138,381
December................... 137,792

January (3)................ 138,333
February................... 138,641
March...................... 138,905

0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 May, 2010 06:52 pm
here's the full story from the BBC

Freddie Mac seeks further $10.6bn in US aid

US mortgage giant Freddie Mac saw a loss of $8bn (£5.3bn) in the first three months of 2010 and said it would ask for a further $10.6bn in state aid.

The firm has made a number of federal cash requests since it was taken over by regulators in September 2008.

And it said it would continue to need government funds with the US housing market not yet fully recovered.

The new request brings the total cost for rescuing Freddie Mac to $61.3bn.

Freddie Mac hit trouble during the American property boom, when many higher risk - or sub-prime - loans were made which were not repaid.

The recession also resulted in reliable homeowners with good credit defaulting on payments.

The latest $8bn loss was $6.7bn before adding a $1.3bn dividend payment on senior preferred shares owned by the US Treasury.

On Wednesday chief executive Charles Haldeman said the firm was looking to beef up its underwriting standards and improve credit quality.

"Though more needs to be done, we are seeing some signs of stabilisation in the housing market, including house prices and sales in some key geographic areas," Mr Haldeman said in a statement.

"But as we have noted for many months now, housing in America remains fragile with historically high delinquency and foreclosure levels, and high unemployment among the key risks."

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