"Thousands Rally At Illinois Capitol --
For A Tax Increase"
Fifteen-thousand people -- mostly teachers and state union workers -- rallied at the Illinois Capitol and chanted...
"Raise My Taxes!"
A similar scenario is taking place in New Jersey, where Governor Christie is calling for a one-year pay freeze on teachers to help meet the budget shortfall. The New Jersey Education Association is on the attack, claiming that Christie's proposal will hurt "the children." They are even blasting Christie for having his children in private schools, saying he "doesn't have a personal stake" in the debate.
The message? It's immoral to even hold the line on government spending. Government programs and government pay are sacred cows. And as a result, people head to the streets and chant, "Raise My Taxes!"
Why is this a sign of the tipping point?
Because these events are supported by disturbing data...
+More than half of all Americans now make their
living off the government or in an industry
controlled by the government.
+Only 47% of Americans actually pay income tax
+Including benefits, federal government workers
make $38,000 (or 55%) more than their private
sector counterparts in comparable jobs. Add in
retirement benefits and those numbers skyrocket.
For example, one 49-year-old New Jersey state
government retiree will receive $3.8 million
in pension and retirement health benefits on
a $124,000 investment -- a 3,000-percent
return on investment!
The tipping point happens as more voters earn their living off the government rather than free of the government. When this happens, government-dependent people who have an incentive to INCREASE government and INCREASE taxes will never vote to cut or control government.
That's why people actually are chanting "Raise My Taxes."
And that's why Rush says we're "hanging by a thread.' With the recent takeover of healthcare and coming efforts to expand government control of Wall Street and energy (cap and tax), a disturbing reality is upon us...
Obama is rapidly creating a highly paid serf
class of government-dependent citizens who
will not tolerate any cuts to government
because those cuts would threaten their
over-compensated jobs and entitlement benefits!
But fortunately, there is hope.
And that hope is YOU!
+ + Taxpaying Citizens Are Taking Back Our Nation!
Take what just happened in New Jersey. As I noted earlier, Gov. Christie is calling for a one-year pay freeze for teachers in the state, which has raised the ire of the Education lobby. According to the Wall Street Journal, Gov. Christie "urged voters to reject local school budgets in the vast majority of districts where teachers have not agreed to a one-year pay freeze."
Voters went to the polls last week in record numbers and rejected the school budgets in a stunning 59% of the districts!
The Journal is calling it the "New Jersey Rebellion."
+ + Three things you can do today
Here are three things you can do today to send a message to leaders in Congress that you oppose the move to a government-centered society:
#1 -- Call your Senators and reject the "Perma-
Bailout" Finance Reform that the Journal
says makes Obama "The New Master Of Wall
Despite Obama's doublespeak, the Dodd bill creates a new regulatory arm of the federal government that will be empowered with permanent bailout and takeover authority of financial institutions -- with an unlimited bailout fund!
What's worse, all the authority switches to the feds -- no Congressional votes needed to bail out the next "too big to fail" institution. The Journal says "the biggest banks will become the equivalent of utilities."
Here are your two Senators' phone numbers:
Sen. Hutchison 202-224-5922
Sen. Cornyn 202-224-2934
#2 -- If you haven't done so already, join 52,000
citizens who have already signed the
"Stop The Spending Madness" Petition by
going here:
#3 -- If you haven't done so already, join over
340,000 citizens who have signed the
petition opposing the "Cap and Trade"
global warming/energy tax:
We are getting perilously close to the tipping point in our nation -- when the majority of our citizens have become highly compensated, government-dependent serfs who take to the streets, chanting "Raise My Taxes!"
But what happened last week in New Jersey, and the January "Massachusetts Miracle," remind us that we can still turn it around.
But WE are the key.