The citizens of this country are entitled to have security, law and order, peace, good health and jobs. Children in this country are being short-changed on public education, affordable housing and parents who pay attention. I am not a perfect person. When I became a parent, I made sure my kids were clean and fed. It took two people back in the mid-60's to make a living, so I went to work.
I always wanted to be an "at home" Mom", but economics dictated that I should work too. At first I worked retail, but in the "fine" stores, so that I could get the discount! I also found that if I had gone to college before marriage, I would have had it easier. When I heard of opportunities with the Federal Government, I took those SAT type tests and because of the private education I received, I aced them, every time. Luck? No, retention of what those nuns and priests taught me.
You never heard of any hint of scandal in the churches back in those days.
Big-time politicians were just that; big time, big mouthed and a scandal here or two as in the case of the Long Family of Louisiana. Huey P., the "chicken in every pot" one, assassinated by a Jewish doctor, who thought Gov. Long brought shame on his father-in-law, Earl K. Long, the "crazy, eccentric" one that carried on an affair with a Bourbon St. stripper, Blaze Starr and Russell Long, the respected Senator from La. All 3 were Democrats, none liberal back in the good ole days of segregation.
Back in 1953, Dwight Eisenhower, then the President, was highly respected as a West Pointer, World War I and II hero and a moderate. My mother was a Republican all her life, when Republicans were the bright hope to bring change in America. Not the Democrats because the "Dixie-Crats" as they were dubbed then were known racists. Racist against Jews, Catholics and Blacks. Forget Hispanics. They were relegated to South America or the South West.
The North was smug in the belief that they didn't have slaves. Well truer lies were never spoken, because not only did they have slaves, but in 1991, the African Buriel Ground was discovered in lower Manhatten and construction was stopped on a future high rise. That alone told a gruesome story of slavery from Boston and the entire Eastern Seaboard. Of the slave ships built in the New England States and the Aetna Insurance Company that insured the ships and its' illicit cargo. So no, the South has been the whipping boy for centuries while Wall Street itself emanated from the profits made from slaving in the South and the factories that refined picked cotton in NYC, itself. Why do you think New York has a "garment district"? The clothes were made in the east from the cotton fibers picked for free in the South! It was a win-win for all involved.
While Black slaves built most, if not all of the major colonial buildings that are designated National Monuments from Boston to Louisiana, ALL were built on the backs of Blacks, while slavery is given a 2 or 3 sentence in history books. It is America's shame for spewing equality in the Constitution but practicing a peculiar hypocrisy on native Americans and the Africans they stole from their country. No one need give me an apology 450 years later. This is my argument for receiving "reparations" for all of the free labor given under the lash and the justification for keeping a race of people as a permenant underclass.
Angry? You damned skippy, but that and 2.00 will get me a cup of Star Bucks! In a country that boasts of Christianity, I see very little. Do I hate whites? Hell no because I have white blood through ancestry from my French ancesters. I just want to stop being labelled a "minority", dispel the myth that I got what I have through Affirmative Action, because I was passed over many times for promotions. I want decent, clean housing for ALL, not just black people, decent places for the poor to shop and not be cheated, the right to vote and not be challenged and lastly, I want people to stop asking me, "what are you", because I am NOT Spanish, Filipino or Italian! Peace, Be with you!