Where is the US economy headed?

Reply Sun 15 Nov, 2009 08:17 pm
Obama's economic record a disaster, and getting worse.


cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 15 Nov, 2009 08:25 pm
Obama's economic record is still in progress. Only you can decide the final solution. Idiots like you should be barred from a2k; all the "stim plan" monies have not been distributed or spent.

That's not to say I agree with all the spending without the necessary safeguards or regulations.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 07:27 am
So when did I make the statement, "Obama walks on water"? Please tell me when I said it, because only Jesus did that. As a worshipper of the Son of God, I take offense to anyone being compared with Jesus, who died for ALL of us. You are really cruel and blasphemous for even suggesting that I would say this. I am a devout Roman Catholic, that take the teachings of the Bible very seriously. I don't try to persuade anyone to believe as I do, because I think one's religion is sacrosanct, whether you be Christian, Muslim or Bhuddist. I let people decide, because this is supposed to be America, where many came to escape religious persecution and yet, you accuse me of taking an ordinary man, Mr. Obama and elevating him to that stature.

I'm sure HE would also disagree with you. You need to get a copy of Martin Luther King's speech, "Why We Can't Wait". A speech on getting out of Viet-Nam and of obtaining equal rights for all. The media has locked on his "I have a Dream" speech, but avoid that one, because Martin had thought his method of passive aggression wasn't working and was beginning to take the stance of his friend Malcolm X.

Malcolm had returned from Mecca and had seen muslims of all colors and hues, seen the Nation of Islam for what it was, a radical anti-American group, that he had estranged himself of and began embracing people of ALL colors.
I've written about the persecutions of the Irish, Italian, Armenian, Germans and the anti-English rule that made this country a "Colonial" outpost of the British Empire. Jews suffered in the last century, a near "purge" of their numbers in Europe and any country Hitler took over, murdering over 8 million innocent people.

America can't turn around and begin rounding up Muslims like the Nazi's did. We should try to form coalitions with countries whose resources we need instead of invading and purging their governments, which is what Herr Bush & Co. have done. NO! Obama is a Christian who doesn't wear his religion on his sleeve like hypocrite Bush, who didn't attend CHURCH services in his 8 years, on a regular basis. Before you accuse, read my lips; Obama is no Jesus Christ!
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 07:33 am
Rasmussen polls are made up! I even know the guy. Lives right here, where I live. He's a paid Repug operative. Trust me!
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 07:35 am
See what I mean?

cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 08:26 am
teeny, It's like everything else okie likes to spew on a2k; he depends on FOX news and Ras to make his points, but any 12-year old knows that the averaging of 23 different polling firms have a more accurate record. But as always, okie depends on one poll to expose his ignorance. Just makes me wonder how he ever graduated from school from his extremist views on everything from ecocomics, politics, and reality.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 06:09 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Just saw on the ED Show, on MSNBC, that only 9% of voters would vote for Sarah Palin. Buying her book, Going Rogue, would be like supporting her and I hear it's a pack of lies against Katie Couric and her former running mate, John McCain. Ed called a "future talk show host".

As far as Okie goes, no comment would be good enough to certify that poster narrow-mindedly, "brain-dead"! If you told him that President Obama has psychic powers, he'd find a reason to blame that on Rev. Jerimiah. He is "fixated" on the reverend and Bill Ayers, who is a minor player, have nothing to do with Mr. Obama being elected and as far as associations, one need to look no further than George Bush, himself! Everyone associated with Bush has a "shadowy" past, were virtually unknown before Bush 43, became extraordinarily rich by manipulating the Treasury in such a way, they will DIE rich! The only people they were concerned with were themselves and everybody else, be DAMNED!
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 06:20 pm
okie isn't certified brain dead, but it's barely alive! Nobody with any brains left would be so extreme as okie in everything he posts. Once okie gets an idea into his head like Rev Wright, ACORN, and Ayers, he goes bonkers with it. I don't know of any one alive who goes to the extremes of okie. Maybe, he is dead! LOL
Reply Tue 17 Nov, 2009 04:08 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Cicerone imposter and the rest of you advocates of WERED (i.e., WEalth REDistribution), are incapable of rebutting okie's and my allegations and/or our evidence for those allegations, so you instead personally villify us and the sources of the evidence we provide.

This behavior of all of you, makes you all appear to be programmed fools, incapable of rational debate.
Reply Tue 17 Nov, 2009 04:13 pm
ican711nm wrote:

Cicerone imposter and the rest of you advocates of WERED (i.e., WEalth REDistribution), are incapable of rebutting okie's and my allegations and/or our evidence for those allegations, so you instead personally villify us and the sources of the evidence we provide.

This behavior of all of you, makes you all appear to be programmed fools, incapable of rational debate.

This is untrue. Instead, the truth is that you and Okie ignore all logical rebuttals to your positions, pretending that you are correct no matter what evidence or argumentation is put against you. Many times you simply fail to answer any post which raises good points against your stated position.

This grows tiresome, and people don't want to bother putting the work into something that you guys are simply going to ignore.

Reply Tue 17 Nov, 2009 04:22 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Obama's economic record is still in progress.

According to the graph okie provided, the unemployment record under the Obama Administration's is certainly still in progress, and it's getting worse each month.

You WEREDs (i.e., WEalth REDistributors) appear to think that by continuing to emulate and magnify the errors of the Bush Administration, plus adding a few more new ones, the Obama Administration will eventually reverse this trend.

~~~~~~~~~~That thinking is insane!~~~~~~~~~~~~

cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 17 Nov, 2009 04:46 pm
That's the reason I put ican on Ignore. It simplifies my life by ignoring some ignorant people around here who fails to see facts/evidence about topics under discussion. They arrive at conclusions before any event has been completed such as the stimulus plan. They also can't see the relationship between Bush's destruction of the world economy and the increasing unemployment rates, but they expect Obama to correct in ten months it took Bush eight years to destroy.

Attempting to have an intelligent discussion with these ignoramuses is futile.

Reply Tue 17 Nov, 2009 06:38 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Icahn is a "Shankapotomus"! Schitt for brains and needs a clue.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 17 Nov, 2009 06:48 pm
You got that spot on! They don't understand cause and effect in its simplest form.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Nov, 2009 06:58 pm
teenyboone wrote:

So when did I make the statement, "Obama walks on water"? Please tell me when I said it, because only Jesus did that. As a worshipper of the Son of God, I take offense to anyone being compared with Jesus, who died for ALL of us. You are really cruel and blasphemous for even suggesting that I would say this. I am a devout Roman Catholic, that take the teachings of the Bible very seriously.

My apologies to you, teeny, I had no intent to insult you. I have heard people use that phrase all my life when they attempt to show that most people do not have supernatural powers to accomplish things by using policies that don't work by any other way but by some supernatural or unrealistic hope. That was my point about Obama, his policies are not connected to reality in my opinion, in terms of them having any realistic hope of working. For example, he cannot spend our way into prosperity, nobody can, and Obama is not any more magical than anyone else. Also people use the phrase to point out that some people seem to have this undying faith in Obama without regard to how wrong his policies are, it almost seems like a religious devotion to him. I hate to say it, teeny, but because he is black, you seem to want the man to succeed so badly that no amount of evidence that he is not doing very well is going to sway your opinion. Remember the Jones incident in South America, the koolaid drinkers, they believed Jones so much that whatever the man said, they believed it, and they threw out all common sense. You seem to have some common sense, so I am appealing to you to use it, do not follow Obama no matter where he goes and what he does.
Reply Tue 17 Nov, 2009 07:04 pm
ican, it is so obvious that Obama believes in wealth redistribution. The quote is on record. His church of 20 years based upon BLT which is a form of Marxist theology, is on record. The ranting of Wright against capitalism is on record. The former terrorists, communist and Marxist friends and mentors of Obama are on record. The appointees in his administration with Marxist and communist leanings are on record. Obama is a contradiction, left for us all to guess about what he really believes, but some of us can connect the dots.
And one of the most leftward leaning administrations in history is now part of the record.

And the graph I posted is an accurate portrayal of Obama's economic record so far.
Reply Tue 17 Nov, 2009 07:44 pm
I am one of those individuals who is NOT taken with "celebrity". Some, not all, are FULL of themselves, tripping over their ego. Their are personalities and stars, who are as humble as pie, too. They can't believe their rise to stardom and use their resources to help others. Those types of people get my utmost respect. The public calls it "giving back", but I call it being a "true" Christian.

Politically, Democrats AND Republicans catch "Capitol Hill Fever"! Find out that if connected they can wield power that can change lives and alter society.
For the record, they ALL make campaign promises and you, the voter have to decide who LIES better! Once in office as we learned from ALL the Presidents, we've lived through in our lifetime, that some are great and some, NOT so great. Assuming you're a Republican, what did any Republican since Lincoln achieve. Please exclude Eisenhower, because I DO respect his service in World War 2. In my life, he was the first President I was privileged to see in my hometown. Kennedy was the second, George W. Bush was the 3rd and President Obama the 4th, speak on behalf of then Sen. Corzine, when he first ran for Governor.

I had never seen him, but had heard of him, due to their being so few Senators of color. When he decided to make the run for President, I was stunned that I had seen a potential Black man, running for the highest office in the land. Trust me, I thought Obama had bumped his head!

Then the ugliness started. First that damned "Obama Girl" video on every web site and she became annoying and embarrassing to Blacks in general. No woman had ever done this to any candidate. I wanted to kick her a$$ for disrespecting Michelle and his kids. Black people don't play that. Then came Rev. Wright. Well, if you're in the black diaspora there ARE Blacks who have
who have been repeatedly discriminated against and what Rev. Wright did was vent his anger by warning his congregation of his experiences and what they should steer away from. The man served his country in Viet Nam and like so many GI's that served never got a parade or a thank you.

Have you seen a whole speech of his instead of a sound byte? He used to broadcast on WHUR in Washington D.C. My daughter told me about him, I wrote the name down, but never listened "live" online. Then, the news broke that this "fiery" orator was/is his spiritual leader. So do you think Obama should have chosen the PTL club? Have you ever looked at those people on TV in their fine clothes and suits?

I was in Atlanta back in the 90's and my daughter who lived there, pointed to a beautiful mansion in DeKalb County, of a rich reverend. Huge home, huge church, a diverse congregation, read that as "mixed" and doing very well financially. My daughter said he was a millionaire. He was white and was later caught up in a scandal. A sexual one. I told my daughter that she and I was in the wrong business! Those televangelists are no more than motivational speakers milking you out of your hard earned money.

That goes for the Catholic Church, too! I hate any "organized" religion, run by men to keep women, barefoot and pregnant! Yes, I'm a feminist too.
I don't know where or when you decided your beliefs were right and everybody else's was wrong if it clashed with yours, but if this is America, you are protected by the 1st Amendment and are free to believe as you wish.

You need to re-educate yourself, going back to the Revolution or research how Jamestown Va. was started and work from there. Do you know too, that this country was already inhabited when the Europeans came here? Their land was literally stolen from them. Every treaty the Americans signed was broken. The Palestinians also believe the Jews are exterminating them too, virtually took their country away from them, just as this place called America is becoming a scary place to live with "Big Brother" listening in on your phone calls and that you can be arrested for no reason, thrown in jail and "disappeared".

If Obama doesn't live up to his promises, like Carter, the People will speak!
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 17 Nov, 2009 08:16 pm
okie, Do you understand - yet - that our country is a democratic republic with a capitalistic economy?

When has the government taken over all of the productive capacity of this country? In ten months after Obama took office? That's very strange, because the stock market says otherwise, and we're still the richest country in the world.

You need to get your head out out of your ass to see some daylight. The darkness where you live has skewed your vision on everything about life in this country.
Reply Tue 17 Nov, 2009 08:25 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
... the truth is that you and Okie ignore logical rebuttals to your positions, pretending that you are correct no matter what evidence or argumentation is put against you.Many times you simply fail to answer any post which raises good points against your stated position.

Cycloptichorn, your logical rebuttals are "few and far between."

You simply declare that both those you disagree with and the evidence they provide are wrong. Those declarations are not good points, nor are they by themselves relevant rebuttal points.They certainly aren't logical rebuttal. You rarely raise any other points, much less good points

0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Nov, 2009 08:41 pm
Fascinating post, teeny, and it gives me a window into the mind of a person that seems to be pretty reasonable and a good American. Thanks for the post.
teenyboone wrote:

I am one of those individuals who is NOT taken with "celebrity". Some, not all, are FULL of themselves, tripping over their ego. Their are personalities and stars, who are as humble as pie, too. They can't believe their rise to stardom and use their resources to help others. Those types of people get my utmost respect. The public calls it "giving back", but I call it being a "true" Christian.

Politically, Democrats AND Republicans catch "Capitol Hill Fever"! Find out that if connected they can wield power that can change lives and alter society.
For the record, they ALL make campaign promises and you, the voter have to decide who LIES better! Once in office as we learned from ALL the Presidents, we've lived through in our lifetime, that some are great and some, NOT so great. Assuming you're a Republican, what did any Republican since Lincoln achieve. Please exclude Eisenhower, because I DO respect his service in World War 2. In my life, he was the first President I was privileged to see in my hometown. Kennedy was the second, George W. Bush was the 3rd and President Obama the 4th, speak on behalf of then Sen. Corzine, when he first ran for Governor.

I am glad you are not taken with celebrity, I am going to take you at your word, so get real about Obama then, teeny, he is nothing more than a cheap Chicago street organizer. What in the world has he ever achieved beyond that? The man made a speech at the DNC, which the media took, hyped as the greatest since sliced bread, which it wasn't, and promoted him to the White House.

I had never seen him, but had heard of him, due to their being so few Senators of color. When he decided to make the run for President, I was stunned that I had seen a potential Black man, running for the highest office in the land. Trust me, I thought Obama had bumped his head!

Then the ugliness started. First that damned "Obama Girl" video on every web site and she became annoying and embarrassing to Blacks in general. No woman had ever done this to any candidate. I wanted to kick her a$$ for disrespecting Michelle and his kids. Black people don't play that. Then came Rev. Wright. Well, if you're in the black diaspora there ARE Blacks who have
who have been repeatedly discriminated against and what Rev. Wright did was vent his anger by warning his congregation of his experiences and what they should steer away from. The man served his country in Viet Nam and like so many GI's that served never got a parade or a thank you.

Have you seen a whole speech of his instead of a sound byte? He used to broadcast on WHUR in Washington D.C. My daughter told me about him, I wrote the name down, but never listened "live" online. Then, the news broke that this "fiery" orator was/is his spiritual leader. So do you think Obama should have chosen the PTL club? Have you ever looked at those people on TV in their fine clothes and suits?

Come on teeny, Wright is a stark ravin mad demagogue on record for ranting against Jews, rich white people, and praising communists and dictators. I would listen to one or two minutes of that and walk out. I hope you would have the sense to walk out on that crap too. Obama did not. He listened, and praised the man as something wonderful. Do not keep denying this doesn't mean something important.

I was in Atlanta back in the 90's and my daughter who lived there, pointed to a beautiful mansion in DeKalb County, of a rich reverend. Huge home, huge church, a diverse congregation, read that as "mixed" and doing very well financially. My daughter said he was a millionaire. He was white and was later caught up in a scandal. A sexual one. I told my daughter that she and I was in the wrong business! Those televangelists are no more than motivational speakers milking you out of your hard earned money.

That goes for the Catholic Church, too! I hate any "organized" religion, run by men to keep women, barefoot and pregnant! Yes, I'm a feminist too.
I don't know where or when you decided your beliefs were right and everybody else's was wrong if it clashed with yours, but if this is America, you are protected by the 1st Amendment and are free to believe as you wish.

I agree, alot of religious hustlers are out there, unfortunately. I can't agree with you more in regard to what you just wrote, although I am not hot on the feminist movement. It has done alot to degrade and take away the true respect and value of women.

You need to re-educate yourself, going back to the Revolution or research how Jamestown Va. was started and work from there. Do you know too, that this country was already inhabited when the Europeans came here? Their land was literally stolen from them. Every treaty the Americans signed was broken. The Palestinians also believe the Jews are exterminating them too, virtually took their country away from them, just as this place called America is becoming a scary place to live with "Big Brother" listening in on your phone calls and that you can be arrested for no reason, thrown in jail and "disappeared".

I am fully aware of Jamestown. I will say this however, the idea that native Americans were always here from the dawn of time is wrong, they came here at some point also, and they were not all living in harmony, they were fighting and killing each other off by the droves before we got here. Archeologists report in the Southwest the existence of bashed skulls and evidence of atrocities by conquering indians over other indians, hundreds of years before Europeans arrived. I will not claim Europeans are remarkably any better, but they are no worse either. Human nature is human nature, and that is what we are dealing with throughout the entire world.

If Obama doesn't live up to his promises, like Carter, the People will speak!

I hope so, and hopefully without alot of voter fraud, aka ACORN. I plan to vote for conservative common sense values, and right now the Republicans offer the best chance to see a candidate alot closer to my values than the prez we have now. And if that Republican is male or female, black brown or red, white or whatever, if he or she is conservative, I will vote for them, conservative is the bottom line. I will not be voting for somebody because they are black, brown, green, white, or yellow. Promoting Obama because he was black instead of his qualifications and ignoring his inexperience and radical politics was a huge mistake, a huge one, teeny and a mistake that has the potential to do more damage to race relations than anything for decades. I am saddened by that. As I learned as a boy, thats like getting the cart before the horse.

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