@cicerone imposter,
I honestly didn't want to revisit what Bush did, because the money spent would have insured every American with health care, educated millions of college age children with no resources, housed millions of Americans in affordable housing if that myth existed, as it doesn't here in NJ, that just elected a Repug appointed by Bush, then used his office to "entrap" other public officials. He went after Democrats, but bagged more Republicans than you and I can count!
Chris Christie's election won't affect me, directly, because I have a private pension and social security that I paid into over 40 years! Hear that, Repugs out there? 2 Black people, never on the governments dole! We WORKED for it!
Mark my word, Chris Christie is a nightmare waiting to happen, as far as the NJEA and CWA, the LAST of the powerful unions that are run in NJ. The Teachers and Communications Workers, Christie is chomping at the bit to lay off! I can leave NJ and emigrate to a "banana republic" and live out my last years like a queen! I feel for anyone that voted for him, because he's going to kick their a$$es, too!