No, I'm not a day trader, but I look at the long term effects of our economy on the markets. I read the financial pages and the WSJ (for now), and keep tabs on our investments on a weekly basis. In the past, I have subscribed to Money magazine, and I try to keep abreast of economic news from around the world.
In mid-June I sold off the remainder of my money market account (that I bought when the DOW was over 14,000 by selling some of my equities), and purchased three funds. They're showing a +12% increase in less than two months, so I feel like a genius for the moment. Our over-all funds are also doing quite well, but feel the increase in the P/E ratio has been too high too fast.
My mix of funds are more conservative than most financial pundits recommend, but felt more secure during this volatile market since last year.
The average investor lost 40% last year, but I lost only 17%, and my wife lost only 11%.
Although I plan to sell off some of my equity funds to transfer them to my bond funds on Monday, I'll do it in steps as I keep abreast of the economy, and how the stock market continues to trend.