I don't think it is a double standard, Brandon. It is the law.
Thank you for posting the link to the CBS story.
CBS notes that SSAE benefits can not go down. They stay the same, or go up if there is inflation in our economy. Last year, benefits went up 5.8% due to the spike in oil prices ($140 or so a barrel). This is the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA).
This year, we have negative inflation (mostly due to oil prices dropping by about 50%). That means that there will likely be no COLA.
The notion of SSAE benefits being cut, as you seem to suggest, comes from the prescription drug premium going from $28 to $30 a month. That extra $2 will reduce the SSAE payments for lots of folks.
I have no disagreement with you that the cost of being old has little to do with the price of oil. It has to do more with things like food.
The SSAE COLA increase, by the way, comes out at the end of Oct. There will be a lot of unhappy retirees. No 5.8% increase this year.
Retirees, perhaps, need to see price inflation.