Here, realjohnboy, is some data from the Wall Street Journal.
even after a recovery takes hold.
Companies will have little appetite to ramp up hiring until they feel the economy is truly out of the woods and a recovery is firmly rooted.
Against that backdrop, many economists predict the unemployment rate will hit 10 percent by the end of this year. Bernanke stopped short of that figure, saying it will be somewhere in the 9 percent range. Regardless, both private economists and Bernanke agree the unemployment rate will keep climbing into next year.
The Fed says unemployment will remain elevated into 2011. Economists say the job market may not get back to normal _ meaning a 5 percent unemployment rate _ until 2013.
More than 5 million jobs have vanished in the recession, and Bernanke predicted "further sizable job losses" in the coming months.
Fallout from housing, credit and financial crises _ the worst since the 1930s _ has hurt America's workers and companies, and the pain will continue. The jobs market traditionally doesn't rebound until well after an economic recovery starts.
More companies recently announced job cuts. General Motors Corp. laid out a restructuring plan that includes cutting 21,000 U.S. factory jobs by next year. Microsoft Corp. said it was starting thousands of the 5,000 job cuts it announced in earlier this year and left the door open to even more layoffs.
When the Unemployment rate hits 10%, Realjohnboy, the masses, who do not delve into the intricacies of Economics, will decide that Obama has had enough time to give us GOOD "change" and has not done it. The campaign season will be in full swing then and the populace will not be happy.
You realize, of course, Realjohnboy, that the 8.9% Unemployment rate does not measure the number of people out of work or who are underemployed.
If you access the Bureau of Labor Statistics and go to U-6, you will find that the REAL Unemplyment rate( which includes the discouraged who have exhausted thier unemployment benefits and the people who are working part time and are looking for a full time job, the rate is very close to 10% Unemployment.
I think FDR is one of Obama's heroes. That may be why Obama is trying to match FDR's record in Unemployment during the thirties.