A couple theories, and I admit partisan, but I think valid. The Obama Market Effect was real in my opinion, the prospect of a man gaining the presidency that does not believe wholeheartedly in capitalism has had a profound dampening of the market, from the time he was beating Hillary, progressively through the election, the inauguration, and now. There was absolutely no confidence in Obama and his policies. The market is alot driven by future prospects, optimism or the lack thereof, along with whatever economic news is happening right now.
Now, Obama has been president for 3 months, and regardless of how people feel about him, there sets in a comfort zone, a feeling that we will perservere or figure out how to deal with his policies, good or bad. Even if you are not pro-Obama, which I obviously am not, better the devil you know than the one you don't know. Any sign that Republicans can defeat his worst initiatives are enough to encourage me. Thus the unknown factor begins to diminish slightly, only slightly, but thats enough to give a little push to the market. Face it, all people need is a little encouragement, as I think people are waiting and wanting encouragement, any sign that the country can go forward, business can resume, we will get through this, and people will once again invest and be guardedly optimistic.
With that said, I believe we are far from out of the woods, and the stock market is not going to bounce back soon, but could go to 9,000 before years end, or it could hit the skids again, I wish I had a crystal ball. We have been resilient before, and I want to believe we always will be, but nothing lasts forever.
Last note, if McCain had been elected, I believe that although McCain is not brilliant, he did believe in America, and did not want to drastically change it into who knows what, and the economy and the markets would be distinctly better than they are now. Still problems, but we would be better off.