@cicerone imposter,
I used a euphemism econ 101, and you know it. I see no reason to go flipping through a book to satisfy a stupid question about an obvious fact. Free markets require freedoms to operate properly, thats self evident.
Now I will repeat what I said above about the debate tonight, ci.
Obama is clueless, I am warning you, ci. He has no clue. He wrote a book. Hes a lawyer, not an economist, and he is totally clueless. Don't tell me I didn't warn you a year from now if he is elected. Take the miserable Democrat Congress, with absolutely no accomplishments, and multiply that and that is where we will be.
I am beginning to think the market plunging is partially due to Obamas poll numbers rising, people are getting out to avoid the pending further future disasters after the current disaster. For example, why invest in companies, if their profits are going to be robbed by Obama, or maybe even the companies will be nationalized down the road a few years? It is giving me pause to consider, after all I see energy companies maybe a good buy right now, but maybe not if Obama wins and starts pillaging the companies along with his stupid accomplices in the Congress. Same story in other business sectors. And I can tell you I am probably not alone in these thoughts.