@reasoning logic,
There are no intelligent supporters of granting integrity or worth to considerations deriving from consuming, and encouraging others to consume, items of entertainment which purport to examine complex systems of finance and industry in 11 minute videos.
Mr Hartmann is not even up for comparing the confiscatory processes he is to be seen holding forth about to those of a highwayman, who at least risked his own life in the endeavour. If you like soundbite economics try that one.
You should consider reading the book I recommended if you really wish to know anything worth bothering about regarding these matters. I will admit that a first reading might leave you in that condition Bugs Bunny sometimes depicted on looking at himself in the mirror when in a mesmerised condition.
One might say that we are being robbed blind by fiendishly clever mathematical procedures, taught at our expense, in the absence of which a national health service is easily affordable and probably free beer as well.
As long as we could find a way of organising things in another way. After the Captains of Industry, the Captains of Finance and the Captains of Consumer Grooming the Captains of Integrity and Honest Dealing.
Will you explain how to bring such paragons of virtue to the head of affairs. If you can't my advice is to swallow it whole and count the blessings the aforesaid trinity of Captains have delivered into your insatiable lap. The Cof IHD is unknown in evolution.