@reasoning logic,
Quote:Do you think that maybe it is past time that we started implementing his strategy and start listening to the moral philosophers of our time?
Yes--I am inclined to think that we are not morally entitled to promote an idea we are not prepared to accept that it should command universal approval. Because if the promotion is effective it will command more and more approval and eventually become universal. Just as rail-roads have become universally accepted and destroyed many a fortune in the canal business. An original promoter of railroads, facing stiff opposition in Congress, was prepared to accept that approval rating. The fact that he made a lot of money, and some leverage on power, or that he might have abused that money and power for immoral purposes, is neither here nor there. Faster transportation is a universal good isn't it?
I sometimes notice that my page was loaded in 0.00000013 of a second. That's ******* fast. Getting it down to 0.oooooo11 of a second might be the growth engine everybody is seeking.
The waterways lobbies, among others, were laid low by the demand for it faster and faster, which must have been a force the railroad men knew was irresistible, and thus it is predictable that US men have turned out to be the fastest in the civilised world, according to an international survey, in which, to nobody's surprise, Greek men are the slowest. Steve Martin, in The Man With Two Brains, demonstrated the ultimate idealised version and again it is no surprise that such a "First" in movie history should be of American origin.
Obviously matters to be pondered by moral philosophers and economists far better qualified that I am. I only connect things up like Dylan shows us all how to do. The survey and Martin's scene for example. I can't help it. I don't will it or anything silly like that. I saw the Martin scene before I saw the survey. Years before. I had thought it amusing but when I saw the survey I guffawed at how slow sociology is compared to art.
So lie back on your beach and close your eyes and ponder that ****. Relax!!
It's probably cut out of TV screenings now.