Can't you play anything else except a penny whistle Bill?
It doesn't matter if the Popes have been eating freshly killed babies to the argument that promiscuity, divorce and abortion are destructive of the culture. That has been explained to you a few times.
Every time a US soldier commits some atrocity or other we don't start talking about disbanding the US Army.
You're having a free ride on a specious argument and because presumably you think everyone is too stupid to realise it.
Make a case against the teaching, not the teacher. Freud, and plenty others, have done without bringing your irrelevancies to bear.
Saints are all very well, and they have their place in the scheme of things, but worldly they are not.
Even intelligent atheists recognise that care for the long term future has an evolutionary survival value and question whether the absence of care for the future has any at all.
If they are correct, and I think they are, your position forfeits our culture in the service of personal indulgence.
The only other line is that policing of sexual relations become a matter for law enforcement with sanctions in the here and now. Assuming you don't wish sexual relations to be uncontrolled. Which, of course, hands the culture over to the ladies as was the case in the 2 million year long matriarchies which were halted, well--slowed down a bit-- by Christianity.
If you were to take a glance, a glance is quite sufficient, at the lot of the common man and woman throughout history you might realise, if you can get your introvert's glasses off your eyes, the sheer volume of gifts that have landed in your lap thanks to dogmas that subvert the interest of the individual in the service of a greater goal: namely a Culture that doesn't founder as all previous ones had done.
Tell us your solution to the problems of a culture which relies on sweet, little goody-goodies to make its way in the world.