@reasoning logic,
I cannot say that it surprises me rl. It seems to be the natural outcome if reasoning logic is applied to this---
Quote: The success of Godey's and its imitators indicated that American women--the principle consumers of books and magazines--would soon dominate the cultural life of the nation. Their interest was indispensable (for the men were too pre-occupied with mundane affairs to have time for books), but it meant that they were able to impose a kind of petticoat tyranny over American letters and narrowly define the limits of literary propriety.
So it goes eh? That was written in 1957 by Prof Hofstadter & Co in the chapter America in Ferment of the book The United States which I recommend you read. It concerned the period in the early 19th century when Media first realised its proper niche in the wood pulp industry in providing a relief from boredom with lurid tales of robberies, thefts, murders, awful catastrophes and wondrous escapes and manifestations. Awful catastrophes being allusions to matters it is not considered decent to address directly.
Anyone remotely familiar with the best writing America has to offer will see the vision you offer us, Fox News has so many that I think it is a front for a harem, simply as the expected result of a progression taking place which, if I am not mistaken, is accelerating alarmingly.
There's a steely, sinew strained, determination in the physiognomy of the specimen which is not often so blatantly on view.
I always watch the hand movements. They seem to have progressed as well. Some of them I have seen seem to be conducting, in the orchestral sense, their own strident voices. Or maybe the vocal chords are conducting the hands. You decide eh? You're the neuroscientist aren't you?
Marghanita Laski could address a TV audience from an armchair in a private library for half an hour with only the most subtle shifts of one eyebrow and have half the intellectuals wanking themselves silly. I bet Nancy Pelosi couldn't do that.