Quote:Restaurant meat has been "hung". i.e. rotted.
Not sure anybody would agree with you there, spendy. Hung in a coolroom, maybe.
Rotted? Not likely.
Quote:Regulated capitalism is only pretend capitalism.
Well then, it was this "pretend" capitalism that kept the wheels turning right up to the point where the Glass-Stegal hedge was mown down, and the world was turned upside-down in the (purported) Global Financial Collapse, which, of course, we all now know to be an actual perpetrated fraud by the big banksters upon the global populace. The only people that have had the balls to actually realise and act on this are the Icelanders.
Funny that. They had the least to lose, and the most to gain.
Quote:No. rl was by using the word "vulture" to describe Mr Romney and the millions who will vote for him. That's intimidation.
Mittens is possibly the most detestable person (cough,cough) to ever attempt to con the populace of America. The fact that you don't bother to research your facts before attempting to disgrace a fellow web poster, is not anybody's fault per se, but clearly not RL's problem. It's yours. Go do some reading.
Quote:Not at all. The natural nutrient in the soil has long gone. One of the reasons for the push west was to find virgin soil, waste it and push further west. A free ride as long as there is more west to push into.
And this "push west" had something to do with something, I'm sure. Growing corn, or lucerne for that matter, has sweet fud all to do with anything in this post. It's simply one more nasty opportunity for you to take a swipe at RL. I sincerely hope you feel justified in taking this free swipe, because it's a one-off. Never to be swiped again> LOL.
Quote:The quote rl praised was bullying. rl should apologise for posting partisan simplistic attacks on Mr Romney.
Even the most cursory of views of this Romney creature would reveal that if there's to be any apologising occurring, it should be coming from the whole of the US of A, for allowing such a creature to enter the political sphere, and after three short years of bribery, to have the gall to enter the bribery race for the top seat.