@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:
Wow, Thank you for sharing. I wish I had half of the ability that that person has who wrote that article. Talk about an intellectual. That person seemed to get the sociopathic behavior from the beginning and called it out. He/she needs to be one of the ones leading us.
If you had half the intellectual ability of the numbskull who wrote the piece POM pasted here, you would be an idiot. With equal truthfulness you would also be a liar.
Bain Capital (and other like investors in turnaround companies) invests its own money in failing companies likely headed for a bankrupcy in which everyone there will loose their jobs, and uses their ownership, market research and management ability to set a new strategic direction for the company and reduce costs enough to both stave off impending bankrupcy, attract other investors willing to risk their cash in the future growth of the company, and finally, recoup their own initial investment plus profit through the eventual sale of their stock.
For Bain they were successful in restoring growth to failing companies about 2/3rds of the time. That means that 2/3rds of these companies escaped impending failure and bankrupcy in which everyone woiuld lose their jobs. It seems very obvious that, compared to the alternative, Bain's work both added to the economic health and survival of the companied in which they invested and turned around, and saved the jobs of a very large number of their employees.
This, of course, is the positive side of the story which the author above somehow left out of his cynical hit piece. Was he merely stupid or a very cynical liar? I'll leave that to you to decide.