@cicerone imposter,
So what do you consider "fair"?
Do you want the wealthy to pay 100% of all the income taxes paid?
To be honest, I dont care how much money someone makes or how much they pay in income tax.
I am not as worried as you seem to be about what everyone else makes.
"Fair" is when everyone pays the same % as everyone else.
Its only the left that seems to be so jealous about what others make.
And your assumption that I dont understand economics is wrong.
I just dont understand your definition of "fair".
And you seem to think that my source is biased, so will you be happy if I post the IRS numbers?
Are you going to say that using their numbers proves a bias?
I know that the wealthy can pay more without hurting themselves, but why should they?
As long as they are following the rules, and paying everything they legally owe, why should they pay more?