I'm sure you're thrilled you no longer have to sneak out to the bushes.
That didn't happen. Well, not more than once. And it was really really late or early, depending on how you look at it.
When I was little, my Dad had recently installed indoor plumbing in our at the time hunting cabin. But, the pipes had frozen, and I had to go. I mean the doody. I needed a seat.
So, my Dad takes me out to the old outhouse that hadn't been used in about a year. It was dark and cold. He opened the door and I swear four or five red squirrels came flying out of the pit, one hit him right in the chest. Scared the living sheit out of both of us. Needless to say, I didn't have to go anymore.
Ever since then I've hated squirrels and have a general fear of any portable potty structure.
My all time favorite story about plumbing is how they managed to split the Red Sea wide open and then close it again. Great for Moses , a disaster for the Pharoh and the Pyramid Kids
mine seems to be working now that mr plumber actually replaced the sewage thingy...of course..I had to get out the little shampooer and walk across damp floor for tow days and am now constantly going in there and wondering if it smells musty..paranoid about the whole plumbing thin now....argh..but, heck! its working!
yeah! It's working, good for you!
OaK - I don't get it.
little K, you remeber how Moses and the Israelites split from Egypt and did a runner for the Promised Land (i.e. Boston) and they had to cross the Red Sea. Well God or his plumber arranged for the Red Sea to be torn assunder, right ? Moses and his tribe got across the resultant gap and the Egypptians got drownded as the water ran back to form a seamless whole.
PS little K you can probably read a full account in the books of Heston and Charleton
I prefer Heston but, yes Charleton would do
I forgot the part about the ocean swamping the Egyptians. Hmph
So, in a new apartment we recently had out drains checked. The guy found a pen flushed down one of the toilets.