I wouldn't ever lie involving the health of my children--like say someone I didn't like very well asked me for lunch--and the best excuse is one of the children is sick. For some reason, the first time I considered it, I felt very uncomfortable saying it--so I never have. I would use anything else with no hesitation.
I guess they say some of these things are "tempting fate". I don't think fate or God, or anything can be "tempted", but I would not be able to completely absolve myself of some type of guilt were something to happen.
I don't think I'm superstitous-- My son used to be. On game day, when Clemson plays, we all had to watch what we said. You were not allowed to say you thought Clemson would win. For God's sake, don't say it in the fourth quarter if they're leading. He reacted to this with a scene that rivals a complete psychotic break.
He's better now.
Child of the Light wrote:Masturbating 27 times a day. No matter the situation I have to squeeze one off at least 27 times a day. Call me crazy, but it is a must.
When did this become something to be superstitious about? And why 27 times exactly?
Superstitions are weird because people do some of the strangest things because they think if they don't bad luck will come to them. I must admit I am quite a superstitious person there are several things I do that are popular and some things I have made up on my own through habit. For one I always "knock on wood" when I say something that I hope happens or in some cases doesn't happen. I never like to open umbrellas indoors. I always stretch and warm up the exact same way when about to play a game of volleyball. I also do this weird thing where I do a certain hand gesture where I point my hand to my heart then my head then to the sky before I go indoors, I have no idea when that started or why it did or why i still do it. And I only do it before I go inside my house. It gives me a sense of security in a weird way. I also always pick up pennies, not because of it being superstitous but because my grandpa always said, a penny saved is a penny earned. I have never heard about the hat on the bed thing or the keys on the table? Could someone explain that to me.
Of course I don't believe superstition, because I believe in God. However, I do notice that there is a practical reason behind the one about ladders, becuse ladders usually indicate someone working above, and you should be careful to look up for falling objects, and be careful not bump the ladder bringing misfortune to someone else. I wonder if other superstitions have practicality in their orgin.
Lighting up a smoke makes the bus come.
watchmakers guidedog wrote:Lighting up a smoke makes the bus come.
That's not superstition. I can vouch for the scientiifc (at least statistical) evidence for the truth of this.
Lighting up a cigarette used to make the food arrive, but I stopped with the cigs and some gremlins intervene and bring me food now.
killing three wives in a row...bad juju
God and superstition
Phoenix32890 wrote:booman2 wrote:Of course I don't believe superstition, because I believe in God.
Funny. I don't believe in superstition, because I DON'T believe in God.
I never heard until now that the belief in God or as a matter of fact anything about God had anything to do with superstition. I don't believe in God but I can be an extremely superstitous person. As I have said before there are several weird things that I have done that I consider superstitions most of which I made up myself for that matter. They are just silly little things that people do as a way to in their mind at least to bring good luck or prevent bad luck from taking place.
In more pyschological terms, because I am obessed with them now a days, those who are superstitious have a defense which people call omnipotent control which is basically when a person thinks they have some magical powers. Now mind you, when I say magical powers I don't mean that they can fly or anything but it is somewhat of magical thinking that if you don't walk under a ladder then bad luck wont fall upon you. We all know that superstitions aren't real yet many of us of still do it as a way to try and believe we have some power over our fate. Thats my opinion at least.
What you've described in your other post, pokey606, isn't really superstition, but, rather, obsessive-compulsive behavior, a neurosis.
haha , I love how the silliest things such as supersistions can make us extremely cautious and fearful of an idea that was some how placed into our heads. My superstitions are not common ones such as seeing a black cat, but there ones that i have so how created. For example, i must keep insence constently buring and have one candle near my work space on at all times is a must when i study,it forces me to concentre on what and the idea that i could burn down my house if i dont watch the candle out of the corner of my eye while i study makes me crazy and some how , dont ask me, makes me hanker down and complete my work. Also, when walking down the ramp into a plane i must say the lords prayer 3 times before i take my seat and another 3 times while we are taking off. I dont mind flying, just taking off, i have to do it, i dont even question what would happen if i didnt, i just do. SO those are some of my crazy superstitions that i believe in. I am starting to thinkt hat i just like to make my life a little bit more complicated then it needs to be.
After casting aside some superstitions for a few months I have started to salute Magpies again.
I hate being controlled by superstitions.
Climbingaway, see my post addressed to pokey606. Your "superstitions" aren't superstitions either; just neurotic behavior. A superstition is cultural, compulsive-obsessive behavior is a personal expression of angst.
Merry Andrew wrote:What you've described in your other post, pokey606, isn't really superstition, but, rather, obsessive-compulsive behavior, a neurosis.
But wouldn't you agree then that all superstitions are neurosis? Because neurosis are just the little crazy things that each of us does, we all experience some amount of it. Then would everyone who has superstitions be consider to be neurotic? If you disagree then what in your opinion should be considered superstitous yet not obsessive compulsive?
The answer is directly above your post, pokey.
Merry Andrew wrote:What you've described in your other post, pokey606, isn't really superstition, but, rather, obsessive-compulsive behavior, a neurosis.
But wouldn't you agree then that all superstitions are neurosis? Because neurosis are just the little crazy things that each of us does, we all experience some amount of it. Then would everyone who has superstitions be consider to be neurotic? If you disagree then what in your opinion should be considered superstitous yet not obsessive compulsive?
My position is; how could one believe in God, if you think you can be affected by such silly thiings as a cat walking across your path, or a god so lame, he would punish you for stuff like spilling salt, or the the other rediculus stupistitions.
When I knock on wood (frequently using my crutch for the wood) I feel certain that I'm making a wonderful, commanding gesture to control capricious fate. Fate may not listen, but I've gestured.