Sun 5 Aug, 2018 11:29 pm
I have the anemia condition for awhile. I have a low ferrtin. Does anyone know what it means to have low ferritin. Is there anything I can take to help with it. Any advice would be nice. Thanks.
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The best thing to do, is, go to your doctor. They can give you the best answer and run any necessary tests to pinpoint where your ailment originated.
Definitely something you should talk to your doctor about. Do you have access to full medical care, (I don't know what country you are from)?.
Here is a medical page from Australia:
Iron deficiency in adolescent girls
Vera E Schlumbom, Jenny A O’Dea, Michael R Kohn[/b]
Iron deficiency is the most widespread nutrient deficiency in Australia and is a common cause of anaemia in Western countries. Adolescent girls are at risk. This article summarises current knowledge about iron metabolism, iron deficiency, and methods of investigating iron status, as well as prevention and treatment strategies for female adolescents.
Key Points
Iron deficiency is common in adolescent girls.
Risk factors include primarily blood losses with menstruation, followed by low dietary intake and increased demand due to growth.
Laboratory measures to investigate iron deficiency include blood count and film, serum ferritin, and transferrin saturation; serum iron should not be used as a single parameter. For reliable interpretation, it is advisable to take blood when the patient is in a noninfectious state.
In adolescent females, iron deficiency is considered present when the serum ferritin level is less than 12 micrograms/L and transferrin saturation is less than 16%. Additionally, in iron deficiency anaemia, the serum haemoglobin level is less than 120 g/L.
The management of iron deficiency in adolescent girls involves menstrual regulation, a balanced diet and, in the case of anaemia, iron supplementation.
The repletion of diminished iron stores requires months rather than weeks of iron therapy.
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