@cicerone imposter,
Bragging about your travels doesn't make you an informed/knowledgeable person, ci. It actually illustrates just how vacuous you are.
Knowledgeable, intelligent people could address the issues raised, like the science and the facts of 9/11. Remember,
The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about. - Wayne Dyer
None of you know anything about either the science or the facts of 9/11 and yet you cling to your highly fallacious ignorance that the US government story has any veracity.
You all ignore the stark realities, the molten/vaporized WTC steel, the US government owned and controlled nanothermite found in WTC dust, the high volume of the by products of the US government owned and controlled nanothermite found in WTC dust, the free fall of WTC7, the accelerating collapses of WTCs 1 & 2, the molten steel seen flowing from WTC2, ... .